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12 Honest Jokes By People Fed Up Of Airports And Their Annoying Stunts

Airports can be a headache at times.

Sometimes it almost feels magical when you go to the airport and no one annoys you, there are no characters out there making sure your day gets ruined before you board your flight, and you swiftly get through airport security, it just feels so good when the whole process at the airport runs smoothly without any errors. Unfortunately, the chances of such a gorgeous airport experience are one in a million, and almost always it is a disaster.

People absolutely hate the process of going through the whole process at the airport. It feels like going through hell even for those who have to fly every other week. There is no way to adjust because you face something new and even more annoying on every visit. Normally in every organization, things improve with time, mostly through the incorporation of technology but when it comes to airports, the hassle regarding getting through airport security, getting your boarding pass, and having your luggage packed is still at large and continues to grow with time.

The bottom line is that we cannot ignore airports because billions of people use their services to travel from one spot to another. So when picking and choosing an airline to travel with, you have to be a part of its airports’ process and that can be toll-taking at times.

Today we are going to enjoy some funny Twitter posts shared by air travelers who met the worst airport processes and were brutally honest about them. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. If they don’t like you, you will accidentally have a gun.


Via jbfan911

2. “oops” and “sorry, thank you” is all you hear at a busy airport and it sucks.


Via keelyflaherty

3. They should only allow travelers in the airport…families shouldn’t be allowed.


Via Scaachi

4. Believe it or not, this is very true.


Via Scaachi

5. You witness all sorts of aliens at the airport.


Via eveewing

6. She wanted to know if her dog really is clean from the inside or not.


Via cottoncandaddy

I swear you meet so many cartoons at the airport whenever you go to any. And the hilarious part is that you will always find one, maybe in terms of an airport security person, or a travel being super dumb. I really don’t understand why has this started to happen at airports with so much frequency where things should’ve gotten better over time. What can we do, we need the planes to travel and in order for that to happen, we have to get through this all.

7. Basically “me when TSA mildly infuriates me for no reason”.

Via eveewing

8. When you are specifically told to do one thing, your body suddenly generates a will to do the exact opposite.


Via bimadew

9. Yeah, it will turn off eventually.

Via chrissyteigen

10. If this isn’t me!


Via LizHackett

11. I swear this is the most triggering part about airport security.

Via Lilly

12. How do you expect me to have a nice day after that conversation, Mr. TSA?


Via chelseanachman

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more Tweets!

Via meowingcarrot

Cat tax.

“My mum built her cat a TV base to watch cat YouTube so she could watch the big TV in peace.”


What do you think?