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Sister Stands Up Against Her Brother For Body Shaming Her In A Family Conversation

Hearing people say horrible things about your body and your facial feature is worst. It not only brings us down but also lowers our self esteem.. For others it is merely a joke. A way of having a good time, but it completely shatters us inside. It breaks us into a million pieces that can never be put back together. People say things, laugh, and walk away like nothing happened. Unfortunately, those bitter words are stuck with us forever, and they haunt us in a million ways.

We somehow put ourselves back together again and move on when body shamming is coming from strangers. However, it kills us inside when it is a loved one saying those things, and we never expect them to say such a thing. There is a fine line between just joking and making fun of someone. When it’s a joke, no feelings are hurt, but when it’s a humorous insult, it damages our ego. Every body type is beautiful, and no one had a right to body shame anyone. Not even your close friends, immediate family members or even your spouse. Reddit is full of interesting stories, highlighting issues from every walk of life. Today we bring you a story of a girl who spoke up and slammed her brother for trying to body shame her. Scroll down and read the whole story.

Here’s what happened.


Background of the story.


Here’s what the brother said.


Things going bad.


Well, the OP’s brother shouldn’t have said what he said. His opinion at this point in the conversation wasn’t really needed. No one likes to be criticized for their body shape and health. OP’s brother shouldn’t have joked like that. Siblings usually know all the things that make us upset, and they shouldn’t joke about them. We think OP is not the a*shole for standing up for something that made her upset. Her brother should apologize instead. However, Redditors have mixed views about this salutation. Scroll down to read what they have to say.

You need to get off your high horse.

Brother’s statement wasn’t relevant to the conversation.


It was a wrong thing to say.

People love to body shame…


You’re not helping someone by fat shaming them.


Fat shaming is not cool under any circumstances. It’s simply being disrespectful towards others. What do you guys think about this story? Let us know all about it in the comments below.


What do you think?