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15 Examples Of Tough Guys With Fragile Egos That Will Make You Cringe Hard


It’s a bit hard to figure out if we like tough guys or not! When we talk about them, an image automatically pops up in our minds. A man with a trench coat, a mustache, or probably a cigar in his mouth, a solid body and seriousness on their faces with a quirky smile. Yes, that’s how they look like (in our heads at least).


But, that is not always the case. Where most of the people feel they will kick their butts off if they ever try to speak to them, others on the contrary pass think they are attractive and would totally worship them if they could! Maybe that’s an exaggeration but we have seen people go above and beyond just to please these guys. And by that, we mean they don’t bother putting a stop to their very odd antics. These guys, more often than not, have no regard for others and would rather threaten you than try and think of the actual problem at hand. Just because they can’t handle the truth! Well, we wonder how long they can survive with that huge ego of theirs!

To each their own but if things get out of hand, someone has to intervene! Sadly, you can only ever try to explain things to someone who is ready to listen. Otherwise, it’s like talking to a wall!

You may be confused as to what we are talking about but we can always fix this issue! Scroll down and check out these pictures of tough guys with huge egos that might get on your last nerve!

1. Cool shirt, snowflake.

Via Jackizback0

2. Maybe this Boomer needs to calm down a bit

Via TheeOneNutWonder

3. Worst Birthday warning.

Via easycoasterr

That’s gotta hurt though!

4. Man on a mission

Via FredPaco

5. Good for you… I guess?

Via Conjuration_Boyo

6. STRAW-op it!

Via Smkn94

Haha! The last one just screwed up. Sometimes these tough guys just try a little too hard, don’t they? Like a man putting strawberry jam to seek attention from his girlfriend, having a riffle in the shop to take care of their families, fighting with dudes over text for texting their girlfriends. Yep, definitely a little too hard. Though they might be nice, sometimes, we do think they need to get their life in check and realize what side they want to be on. Trying to get some attention is alright but let’s not push it!

Scroll down to see more hilarious posts of tough guys.

7. Didn’t see that coming

Via TnTMassacre

Take a chill pill!

8. Clothes first. Priorities!

Via nicaisegany

9. Power pose

Via DocRyan88

Those kids should not be anywhere near guns.

10. A Monster punch

Via QueenAnneBoleynTudor

11. … This dad just destroyed school property

Via howmanyletterscaniu

12. Rollin in dirt? What?

Via  MF_DnD

13. Was that a part of the film?

Via skyhigh527

14. Look at my tummy and be scared.

Via OneCheekyLad

15. Better safe than sorry?


Well, these tough dudes certainly tried their best to scare people off. We are not sure if it worked or not but we would totally ignore them in public if we ever come across them. Anyways, we are sure you probably cringed feeling after checking out these pictures. Because we can totally relate!

Let’s talk more about what you think is the meaning of a tough guy? And, have you ever met such a guy in your whole life? If yes, when was it? Let us know in the comments section below!


What do you think?