Many of us have experienced disrespectful workers. When you walk into a business and encounter an unfriendly staff, your shopping trip will be ruined. However, have you ever encountered a rude and incompetent person that thinks they are the best, but in reality they are clueless? There is no doubt that because of this one foolish interaction, you end up profiting from it. It’s not every day that you see anything like this. So, when a Reddit user shared a tale of a young employee who was nasty and also mistaken, the internet went wild!
“My most-frequently-used knife was an 8-inch chef’s knife, but the one I had was of such crappy quality that I dreamed of the day when I would have enough money to buy myself a Real Knife.” the OP ( u/TIL_eulenspiegel) explains, “So when I eventually got my first professional job, I got my finances all straightened out and decided that it was time to make my big knife purchase.” The OP when entered the store she found an old man who helped her pick the knife out. But in the middle of her choosing the right knife, the old man went on a break and was replaced by a “young rover from another department.” It cost her $40 when she got to the counter with her purchase, which she knew wasn’t correct. Because this was a $200 knife and after-sale it was at $140. He interrupted her when she was trying to fix the issue.
The OP discovered that the knife was wrongly labeled after inspecting the label. The label stated that the knife was a six-inch sandwich knife when it was plainly an eight-inch chef’s knife. So, the woman bought the knife at $40 and left the store! Unfortunately, the practice is often directed at women, with overtones of intolerance and misogyny in the language employed. ‘Mansplaining’ is the term for this.
1. This woman waited a long time to buy this knife. It is quite admirable!
Let’s go ahead and check out what people had to say about it!
4. He definitely did deserve that!
6. The woman was genuine enough to point it out and for that she deserves praise!
7. Holding her temper was the best way to get back at that young worker!
8. This does not happen all the time. Saving $1200 is huge!
9. “I walked just a little fast on the way out the door” hahaha!
10. Couldn’t agree more with this!
11. Facts!
12. Someone sure is lucky!
13. “If you say so ma’am”, what a befitting reply!
Well… that was surely a story to remember. Now, remember the next time you have a rude and incompetent worker all you need to do is keep your temper and watch them do their job utterly cluelessly. Also, on a serious note, the world needs to stop with the ‘mansplaining’ and start giving much more respect to women! If you have any stories, of incompetent workers, that you would like to share then do share with us!