A little bit of kindness can make someone’s day.
I know many people preach about being kind, but not many people apply the teachings to their regular life. I mean, it is easy to say these things but it is much harder actually to take your lesson and help other people. I am not talking about monetary help since not everyone is able to do that. However, it is always possible to give your services for free or volunteer and it is always appreciated.
Even getting a dog some of his favorite toys is a great thing to do. It may not seem like much but can you imagine the happiness that dog will feel when he glances at his favorite toys? Well, you don’t have to imagine since that is exactly what happened in this particular story. And it all started with a pretty normal-looking dog toy that looked like a strawberry. To see the rest of the story, just scroll below to see for yourself.
Source: Youtube
This is Marley and he is a service dog.
He is actually an autism service dog and that is what makes this so wholesome.
You see one day he and his owner were out and about when he spotted a red squeaky toy that looked like a strawberry. he fell in love at first sight and really wanted the toy. To be fair, it is a pretty cute toy and who wouldn’t want a strawberry plushie?
His mother loves him so she obviously got him the toy that he wanted. And he would never leave the toy alone. However, as you are well aware, anything gets dirty over time. Even if you are careful with plushies, they will eventually get dirty and might even rip.
So that is exactly what happened in this instance. There was no way to fix the toy so his mother had to throw the toy away. marley was absolutely heartbroken. So she tried to find a replacement for her beloved dog. Sadly, she couldn’t find it so she asked Facebook for help.
A store manager did contact her soon afterward.
Turns out, the toy had been discontinued but the store manager was willing to send her two toys. Well, imagine her surprise when she opened the box and it was filled with Marley’s favorite toys. She couldn’t even imagine her excitement and it really is adorable.
People love this story and said so in the comments.
The store manager was quite kind.
And this sort of kindness is always nice to see.
I bet this toy will get pretty popular.
Marley does look like a very gentle dog so I think this is true.
What are your thoughts on this wholesome story? have you ever experienced something similar? If so, why not share your story in the comments below? Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends because it really is that awe-worthy.