These things are tried and true method of turning into a hermit.
While some may like the sound of being a hermit, it is not an ideal situation for most of us. After all who wouldn’t like to in a relationship, to have someone by their side forever?
Well, If you want all that, then you might want to change the following things about yourself. Because everybody knows these are the huge red flags that tell everyone you’ll end up alone or worse, with someone like yourself.
Although, they seem like common sense if you take one look at the world we live in today. You’ll realize that not many people follow the basics of human decency. And so, it falls upon the Internet to humiliate them into falling in line.
Scroll on below and take a look at all the things you shouldn’t do if you want to have a long-lasting relationship.
Source: Reddit
#1 So they basically think they are angels?

#2 The best way to feel better about yourself.

#3 Well, to be honest, I’d always wanna be a villain in my story.

#4 Yah, those are basically selfish people.

#5 I think that’s called being a crazy person.

#6 So just being lazy then?

#7 They are gonna ask a lot worse from you later anyway.

#8 That sums it up pretty accurately.

#9 I know many people like this.

#10 Just taking and taking but not giving back.

#11 A sense of humor can be subjective.

#12 A big red flag right here.

#13 They might wanna get into a relationship with their mirror.

#14 Because they are so much better than that right?

#15 Maybe they’re a time traveler from the past?

#16 Being rude to people doesn’t make you better than them.

#17 As you should!

#18 Some people think that’s the only ‘important’ part of a relationship.

#19 Now, That is just plain dumb.

#20 So wanting to stay in their mother’s attic their whole life?

#21 I have no words for this one.

#22 I agree 100%. A big turn off for most people.

What are your turn-offs or red flags in a relationship? Comment them down below and let us know.
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