Despite the fact that animals have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, they are nevertheless capable of extraordinary feats that leave us speechless, such as rodents caught fighting or a cat detaining a criminal. These guys have a slew of further gimmicks in their sleeves. Their funny and quirky habits make you laugh all the time. On one hand, these animals can make you laugh on your stomach, but on the other hand, they also cause you so much trouble that you regret your decision of being with them. It’s irritating and troublesome to be with them. Sometimes they become a headache for you but you actually cannot do anything about it as you have to keep them at your house. Nevertheless, animals are lovely, yet they can also be incredibly mischievous. Regardless, we can’t seem to be angry with them for more than a few seconds. They smash things, cause havoc in our homes, and are constantly in places they are not supposed to be. However, this only adds to our admiration for them.
Today, at defused, we are passionate about animals and their adventures, and we’re pleased to share some of them with you. Scroll down to see 20 of the animals who must get a troublemaker award.
1. They would love to go in mud and ruin everything for me
2. Hey kitties, can’t you let momma bath in peace as she planned for a second?

3. All hail to Mr. tortoise for ruining things in a genuine way

4. He has no idea what to do with his paw now that he has spoiled his owner’s coffee.

5. This dog does not know anything such as “personal space” exists

6. When you are caught red-handed and do not even know how to act innocent

7. “My dog decided he didn’t like my new blanket.”

9. Okay Mr. Rabbit, I see you there.
10. She has got it all planned, don’t underestimate her

11. This cat steals eggs
12. “There’s no other reason for this than to annoy my dog.”

13. This guy always has a fun mood when his Dad sits for work
14. “My fiancée spent all last weekend putting plants into the garden planters. This morning we come down after breakfast to this.”

15. The Amazon package is being stolen by a thief
16. This cat chose to take over his brother’s cage and we can’t do anything about it

17. The love this cat has for ruining plants can be explained through this picture
18. “A house in our neighborhood kept getting their newspapers stolen. We finally managed to get a close look at the culprits.”

19. “Jumped in the closet and knocked all my clothes out onto the floor so he could sit in there.”
20. I am just coming to ruin your nap time, pal