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45 Relatable Tweets By Frustrated Parents That’ll Make You Laugh Out Loud

Do you want to have kids? You might change your mind after this.

To all the parents out there, we know how hard it is to raise those little munchkins of yours. From your constant nighttime battles of making them go to sleep or standing outside the toilet at night because they fear some unknown monster roaming around your house. New parenthood and sleep deprivation go together. Unfortunately, most parents lose sleep after the baby is born. When you become a parent, you enter a world of exciting and challenging changes. There are many challenges you need to ready yourself for, such as feeding, changing diapers, how to handle them when they cry, but the most challenging task would be getting your baby to sleep, and pay attention to your own sleep needs. Nonetheless, parenthood is a blessing. Your life changes significantly after becoming a parent, but it is for the better.

With the rise of the internet and social media usage among adults and senior adults. Parents have found a platform where they can vent out their frustration and their hilarious experiences of being a parent. We have found some tweets for you from mom and dads who luckily enough for us have shared their everyday struggles of being a parent. We are sure you’ll relate to a lot of these tweets if you’re raising any little ones of your own.

1. You are lucky if that’s all you get.

via: PetrickSara

2. Probably shouldn’t tell them.

via: dramadelinquent

3. That’s a wonderful way to describe it.

via: sarabellab123

4. Probably the most accurate prediction on twitter.

via: TheCatWhisprer

5. The council of toddlers will decide your fate.

via: daddydoubts

6. When life gives you lemons…

via: Jamberee13

7. “It wasn’t me”

via: mom_ontherocks

8. I mean, the child is not wrong.

via: saltymamas

9. And share it loudly, I might add.

via: Lhlodder

10. Lies…

via: com3t0think0fit

11. Me too man.

via: SnarkyMommy78

12. She is a genius.

via: valeriehahn

13. Who needs pants anyway.

via: BunAndLeggings

14. Aren’t they amazing.

via: thedad

15. “She ate a baby?”

via: HomeWithPeanut

16. It’s never worth it.

via: sarcasticmommy4

17. They must be plotting something

via: chellemybell22

18. Better not be the Halloween candy

via: mommajessiec

19. The musical

via: TheNYAMProject

20. What?

via: whinecheezits

21. Teamwork

via: BunAndLeggings

22. Where do they even get those?

via: bessbell

23. Ouch!

via: XplodingUnicorn

24. Do not pee on your brother!

via: Divergentmama

25. Summons Bloody Mary

via: HomeWithPeanut


via: looksliketuttut

27. Welcome to parenthood

via: Lhlodder

Parenthood brings with it the most sudden and unexpected changes in life. Parenthood brings with it a rollercoaster of emotions, from being excited and joy to fearing what types of challenges are to come. There is no doubt parenthood is stressful but a blessing nonetheless. The plethora of challenges might make you reconsider, but believe me, there’s nothing more beautiful and rewarding than holding a newborn into your arms, feeling the warmth of their body, hearing them say their first word, the excitement you feel when you see them take their first step, watch them grow up and face the challenges of life head-on all the while you’re there seeing the fruits of your labor.

28. Or the carpet…

via: copymama


via: DadandBuried

30. Eat it or be Hungry.

via: mommajessiec

31. Asking the important question

via: XplodingUnicorn

32. Snuggle buddies

via: Lin_Manuel

33. The more you tell them not to do it the more it is likely to happen.

via: fowlcomics

34. Ain’t that the truth

via: Lhlodder

35. *gives it another sticker*

via: XplodingUnicorn

36. Baby Shark do dooo do doo

via: dishs_up

37. He’ll be standing next to your bed staring at you in the middle of the night

via: daddydoubts

38. Are you crazy?

via: UnFitz

39. Parenting is easy as long as you

via: HenpeckedHal

40. Please put their socks on a specific way

via: Steph_I_Will

41. “I think I am going to throw up.”

via: stayathomies

42. Who is Luna’s boyfriend.

via: chrissyteigen

43. And?

via: XplodingUnicorn

44. Ah, now that’s a dilemma.

via: XplodingUnicorn

45. Mom look! What I can do

via: DraggingFeeties


I remember how I used to cry every day because I didn’t want to go to school, but somehow my parents managed to send me, but an hour later my father had to come to school to pick me up because I wouldn’t stop crying. Ah, the troubles my parents had to go through because of me. Do you have any funny stories or instances like these to share with us, we would love to hear your stories, tell us about them in the comments below.


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