Nature is quite complex.
Even if you have spent your whole life researching the different categories that come under nature, you still might not even understand half of what is around us. There are things that defy all logic and there are things that can’t be explained. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about the supernatural. I am talking about ‘normal’ things that do exist around us but always manage to surprise us.
For example, snow forms on a windshield exactly as to look like a landscape. I mean that is technically ‘normal’ but it is still quite amazing if you ask me. And that is exactly what we are here to see today. And we have to thank people from around the world since they are the ones who have kept the popular subreddit by the name of Mildly Interesting going for quite a long time. The following things might not be tips that can help you in any way but they sure do call for appreciation.
So just scroll below to take a look for yourself.
#1 This honestly looks like a man-made design rather than snow.

#2 This is indeed a frozen windscreen and not a snowy landscape.

#3 I wonder if this person found a pot of gold under the rainbow.

#4 This looks like something out of the movie Annihilation.

#5 It is so perfect that it looks fake.

#6 Can you read the word no in the cat’s fur?

#7 Look at all the extra toes! Just more paw to love.

#8 Have you ever seen such tiny hedgehogs?

#9 This kitty is one handsome devil with that moustache.

#10 When a simple geode has the ocean trapped in it.

#11 Don’t worry, A man is not trying to run away with the tree.

#12 Why do ants want this glove? I have no idea.

#13 Is that a fish trapped in a tree or a tree encasing a fish?

#14 Can you see the one little curly whisker? Isn’t it adorable?

#15 Another kitty with quite a few toe beans.

#16 Even the bee knows it is lining up perfectly with the thread.

#17 Are we sure this isn’t some mutant cabbage?

#18 When the weather changes in the middle of your panoramic picture.

#19 That is exactly a spider web, not a cd.

#20 No need for paint when you have eggs like these.

#21 A vine showing all the colours of the rainbow.

#22 I wonder if this tomato duckie floats on water.

#23 Who knew corn came in any other colour than yellow?

#24 I have never been a big fan of lizards but this is gorgeous.

#25 it doesn’t look like much but it can take down any human quite easily.

None of these ‘facts’ will actually help you in any real-life situation other than learning about the most dangerous plant but they sure are interesting. Have you ever seen something out in the wild that just seems like nature is playing some sort of game? If so why not visit the subreddit and post the picture. All of these pictures just prove that even though humans have come so far with technology, something as ‘normal’ as to how snow looks can still amaze us.
#26 The bear clearly wanted to join this picnic.

#27 This is what happens when lightning strikes solid concrete.

#28 Can you spot a tiny see-through octopus in there?

#29 It is as if this tree has its own handle.

#30 A swirly dandelion? Now I’ve seen everything.

#31 The white dear is certainly unique but quite mesmerizing.

#32 How did this natural rock ever get so round? The pressure of water.

#33 Blueberries aren’t always blue.

#34 Is this person Disney Royalty?

#35 Are we sure this isn’t actually a dragons head rather than just a rock?

#36 That might be the biggest leaf I have ever seen.

#37 Two different trees growing at once.

#38 There is definitely water there even if it is practically clear.

#39 A homegrown salt crystal.

#40 Apparently this woodpecker thought that this leg was a tree.

#41 I have seen some weird mushrooms out there but this is weirder.

#42 A perfectly preserved fossil of an Elrathia kingii.

#43 Life finds a way just like this tomato tree did.

#44 A mutated lemon.

#45 I wish all blueberries could be this big.

#46 All of these rocks were found on just one beach.

#47 A volcano erupting in Iceland.

#48 I think these pumpkins are going to a show.

#49 Neither a birthmark nor any dye. Simply a mystery.

#50 The phone can attract the metal in the sand in Tahoe.

Did any of these surprise you? Did you learn anything new? Comment down below and let us know.