Never undervalue an employee who is giving it his all.
Good employees always know their earth and would never settle for less. At times, corporates, or should I say most of the time, try to use the power of the “seat” to show superiority over employees and make them conform to the local norm of negativity. Good talent is often not recognized the way it should be and definitely not rewarded the way it should be. The foundations of such organizations cannot take the burden of such unethical activities for too long and they always fail in the long run. Yet, employers don’t understand this and undervalue their core asset which is their workforce, like it is nothing.
Today’s story is about a worker who was undervalued by his organization. The worker ended up finding a new job that acknowledged his worth and paid him 30% more than his current workplace. They were being pressed by their current organization like they were a nobody and their coworkers were the ones who made them realize their true worth and made them decide that they have to look for a new role, a role that suits them for the value they wish to give in.
The story was posted on Reddit and the internet went crazy. They absolutely loved the choice and wished him the best for the new chapter. Such acts raise the overall confidence levels in the community. Good talent shall never go to waste and the only way to retain good talent is by reinforcing it through rewards, recognition, and incentives.
Let’s read the story shared by the user u/lolwutRNB. After all, who doesn’t love a nice arc of self-realization?
Scroll down below to enjoy!
1. Never undervalue an employee who knows their worth.
Via u/lolwutRNB
2. Very normal, uncertainty about career often makes you test waters in various job markets until you finally locate your passion.
Via u/lolwutRNB
3. The temporary job turned into an 8.5-year-long job. Looks like OP was enjoying it there.
You don’t show corporate citizenship behavior for no reason.
Via u/lolwutRNB
4. OP just kept learning and learning, gaining new skills, and polishing the previous ones. This employee is a proper asset.
Via u/lolwutRNB
5. The biggest problem in the corporate world. Not being valued for the efforts you put in and the same happened to OP. The pay didn’t reflect the efforts they were putting in at the workplace.
Via u/lolwutRNB
6. The market conditions are not so good these days so looking for a better job won’t be easy either. But a good talent always finds its way.
Via u/lolwutRNB
7. The new co-worker came in like an angel and gave a wake-up call to OP to realize their true worth.
Via u/lolwutRNB
8. Looks like the co-worker managed to ignite the fire in OP’s heart. The very fire he failed to recognize within them.
Via u/lolwutRNB
9. The owners don’t have the time to sit down for someone who is probably their best-ever employee. OP, you need to leave this place.
Via u/lolwutRNB
10. Obviously the competitor was going to hire OP. They realized their worth and knew they were the missing point. And OP got a 30% raise. Looks like self-recognition worked out well for OP.
Via u/lolwutRNB
11. Now that is how you resign from an employer that has no regard for the value you had been adding for the last decade.
Via u/lolwutRNB
12. Extremely satisfying.
Via u/lolwutRNB
13. Thank you for sharing your story with us, OP.
Via u/lolwutRNB
14. Not just a good employee but a good human being as well. OP, you are perfect.
Via u/lolwutRNB
I don’t think this one is a brainer. I mean, why would someone want to stay at an organization that just does not value them for who they actually are. But, I really do commend the efforts of OP, and honestly, it surprises me, that they managed to work for 8.5 years at that company. Maybe it’s because he never realized his true worth himself. He just kept expecting better from the employer not knowing they had been hitting against a hard wall. Thanks to that new co-worker, OP realized that he has to move on and find a place that acknowledges their worth and before you know it, they found that workplace.
This story was amazing and the ending was super cool but it was very good of OP to share it because it sends a very positive message about self-worth and it definitely raised my confidence and I hope it raised yours too.
Here’s the internet appreciated this worker’s story:
15. Keep climbing and never look back. The ideal strategy.
Via u/lolwutRNB
16. Organizations have lost way too much talent due to their greed for money.
Via u/lolwutRNB
17. Corporate mushroom mentality is something we all must avoid. For the betterment of society.
Via u/lolwutRNB
18. Employers need to take a Macroeconomics course once again.
Via u/lolwutRNB
19. Corporates need to think long and stop focusing on immediate gains. They never get you anywhere.
Via u/lolwutRNB
20. OP was applauded by everyone on the internet and people loved how he took the big step and finally landed a better-paying job. Wishing OP the best.
Via u/lolwutRNB
What do you guys think about this one? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay tuned for more stories.