Parenting is a rewarding yet demanding job.
Parenting is the easiest job. No one said ever. Parenting is such a time-consuming job and takes real effort to be a good parent and survive through the process. You can’t sleep until your toddler is asleep. And when you will sleep, they will wake you up with their crying at the unusual time of the night. You would not get any off day once you become a parent. You are on a permanent job 24/7. You will clean the house and they will make the mess. You will try to make them eat and they will refuse to eat. Kids have their own logic and you can’t make them understand your logic. Instead, they will make you understand their logic. Isn’t it crazy being a parent? Today, we have compiled 14 parenting tweets about how tough and funny parenting can be. So, scroll down if you are a parent or are about to become a parent soon.
1. He can figure out the whole gaming setup but can’t figure out a toaster:
2. Calling them joggers instead of sweatpants will make them expensive.
3. You have to remind your husband every Tuesday:
4. Winters take 75% of the parenting:
5. 8 y/o woke up to realize this:
6. Toddlers love cooking food for their parents and their parents have to lie that it was delicious:
No doubt, kids are such a blessing and make our lives so much fun but let me tell you one more time if no one has warned you before that parenting is hard, hard AF. Think a hundred times before becoming parents. It’s all fun and games until you become a parent. Can you change your baby’s diapers multiple times in a day? Can you change his/her clothes multiple times a day? Can you sacrifice your sleep for them? Can you afford their expenditures? If you can do all of that, you are ready to become a parent. Don’t forget to buy a bunch of patience because that’s what you would need to deal with your kids. Handling them is the real job, my friends.
7. Tell them to bath and they would pretend to be dead:
8. Kidnap her, just don’t let her use the bathroom or her 5 y/o will find her:
9. When you want to have fun but you have a toddler:
10. There is a child in my house, Oh, that is my child.
11. Why do kids have to talk while watching a movie:
12. That phase is difficult but it will surely pass.
13. Kids look so effin adorable when they are asleep.
When kids are awake, they make us go crazy. We would scream at them for acting this way but once they are asleep, you realize how precious they are and what they really mean to you.
14. Why did no one tell us before that it will be so hard to be a parent?
We hope you enjoyed these parenting tweets. If you are a parent, share your parenting advice with us in the comment section down below.