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Manager Says Worker Needs Permission to Clock Out, Malicious Compliance Ensues

When did shift employees start having to wait for authorization before ending their shift? Will you be paying overtime? No? Okay, goodbye!
The OP was understandably perplexed when their manager appeared irritated and upset when they informed them that their shift had finished after Redditor u/Brooklynisqueerr. In fact, she immediately came up with a new rule: “Next time, you have to wait for a manager to let you go home.” Instead of engaging in combat with the boss, the OP intentionally complied.


1. “‘You need to wait for a manager to let you go home’……….ok”

OP was working for her their shift for long so he expected he can tell the manager before leaving

Green - So I work at a store that sells kitchen appliances and other kitchen related stuff, normally when we're supposed to leave or go on break we're supposed to tell our manager, I was helping a long line at cash and had already been there for 8 hours and assumed they had someone to cover me, I wasn't allowed to use the walkies to ask to be covered to go home, so I quickly found my manager and told her my shift was done.

2. The manager was really annoyed when OP reached her and asked her to talk to the manager before leaving. OP asked others if it was a rule but turns out it never was.

Font - She got really pissy at me and said "could you really not stay a few more minutes" I tried to tell her "I thought you had someone to cover me I can stay if you want" she then replied "no no just go, but next time you need to wait for a manager to let you go home" record scratch This was never a rule, I asked other people who've worked there for years and they agreed that it wasn't a rule.

3. When on another day OP had to go back but she maliciously complied and waited for the manager to ask her. After 2 and half hours the manager asked her to go and this way she got paid extra fro doing nothing

Font - I worked again a few days later and the store was empty, my shift was over and was about to ask to go home then remember what my manager told me. Cue malicious compliance. I continued to wander the store and slightly fix shelves, making sure I was near my manager. After about 2 and a half hours she said "you're still here, why haven't you gone home?" I replied "you said I need to wait to be told to go home." My manager looked at me as though she was mentally kicking herself "just go" she

4. The comment section fully endorsed the OP’s deceptive compliance and how can it be not?

Organism - gvillager · 1d She still hasn't specifically told you that you don't have to follow this rule. Malicious Compliance is still in effect. :) G Reply 1 2.3k 3 + UWSDWF3 • 1d haha yes I love it. Make a daily game of it till she specifically redacted her first demand. 4 453 3

5. Boss receives her just desserts

Organism - SirVatka • 1d Kicking herself or wanting to kick you? Reply 4 2k Brooklynisqueerr OP · 1d Hard to tell, I was one of those "are you fucking kidding me" faces, could really go both ways 6 q 1.7k
Added by Redditor u/zubyzubyzoo “The problem is, you probably wouldn’t have given it another consideration if she had initiated an actual conversation with you right away. 
Treating your staff with respect and as people always pays off.”

Via r/MaliciousCompliance

6. Some redditors had similar stories and you really need to read them

Font - Elegant_Habit_9269 · 1d Our retail store had a rule that employees could not leave the store until their bag was checked by a manager. This could take a very long time, particularly at the holidays. You'd clock out and then wait 20 minutes for your bag check. So I stopped clocking out until after the bag check and pocketed some extra holiday pay. G Reply 1 331

According to Redditor u/vanhawk28, such a policy is no longer acceptable in the US. “There have likely been multiple court decisions on this, and nearly everywhere now it is unlawful for a company to demand that you check your bags, lock the doors, or do anything else after clocking out. You must make clocking out your final task.”

Via r/MaliciousCompliance

7. It can work if it goes both ways if both the manager and the employees are fair with each other

Organism - Puoaper · 1d See at my work we have to inform a manager we are leaving. They don't get to say no. It's very clear. If you don't tell them you will be punished and if they say no they will be punished. It's a great system and I'm very happy with it. Makes sure other workers won't be fucked and neither will the person leaving. Reply 1 115 3

According to u/Puoaper, this kind of regulation is effective if the boss is not allowed to forbid an employee from leaving.

“This is the most logical answer.” u/batmessiah agreed. “I’m lucky to not have a manager on site, so if I have to leave, I just tell a colleague, so they know not to look for me if there’s a fire/emergency.”

“I think it is a great system.” u/Puoaper replied. “It works very smoothly and keeps everyone honest. Most importantly it doesn’t treat anyone like children. Everyone is responsible for managing their own time off. You can use it as you like but once you run out for the year you are out. Simple as.”

Via r/MaliciousCompliance

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