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10 Hilarious Photos That Prove You’re Still A Little Immature

No matter how old you get deep down, that little boy who laughs at the silliest of things is still there. 

When you grow up to be a man, you have to leave that innocence behind. The weight of the responsibilities, expectations of society take away the silliness from life. The you from the past who used to find happiness in the smallest of things laughed at the corniest of jokes, just isn’t there anymore. However, every once in a while, no matter how serious your life has become or how serious of a person you are there is just that one picture or joke or even a moment that will make you laugh. It can be an inappropriate joke, or someone simply falling over, or the good old fart joke. No matter your age, a fart will never not be funny.  


Everybody needs a little mindless entertainment. Have a little laugh to relieve that stress from work; it Isn’t a bad thing. We have found some pictures which might look innocent at first, but giving it a closer look will definitely make you laugh. Be ready to greet your younger self, because these jokes are going to take you way back, to the time when these ridiculous jokes didn’t seem too ridiculous; when a simple fart or someone mentioning poo made you burst into laughter.

So take a deep breath set aside that seriousness, and enjoy these innocent images of things like math equations, Christmas decorations, and people having fun with video game titles. And don’t worry, no one will judge you if you let out a little giggle at any of these pictures. 

1. Fart jokes never get old.

via: Reddit

Ah, good old fart jokes, they are timeless, aren’t they? Laughing and gagging at the stench of a fart or cracking a smile at different sounds that comes out of a human body. Even if you’re an adult, you can never go wrong with a fart joke. And if they are not your cup of tea, well, it will definitely make the younglings giggle.

2. Bae gets it tonight.

via: Reddit

3. Interesting decoration choice.

via: EMGN

4. Nice.

via: Reddit

5. “Nothing is true; everything is permitted”

via: Twitter

I refuse to believe these are mere coincidences. They KNOW! Props to the teacher who came up with the equation, and the guy who thought it was a good idea to decorate their house with bushes shaped like that.

6. That must have been a hard battle.

via: Reddit

7. I choose you!

via: Reddit

8. Some solid advice.

via: World Wide Interweb

9. Look at the sign

via: World Wide Interweb

10. How many?

via: Twitter

Immature jokes aren’t just silly jokes; they keep us alive. If you didn’t laugh at a single one of these images, then seriously, I am a little concerned for you. Look, I know most of us to want to be sophisticated, serious people, but there’s nothing wrong with some mindless entertainment. Did you enjoy our list? Did you giggle? If yes, then you’re immature and you know it, and your farts will truly show it.


What do you think?