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16 Funniest Comics About The Everyday Struggle Of Animal Parents Living In Modern World

Are you having a boring or dull day? It’s time we change that.

Today, we bring you the series of Zoodraws that is bound to make you laugh and change your mood instantly. Brian Hearn, who happens to be the illustrator of the comics, loves to depict random animal facts through his hilarious comics. Brian’s aim is to help people learn the behaviours of animals which can remain unchanged throughout the years. Also, Brian loves to visualize how life would be for animals if they were to live in our modern world and the results are absolutely hilarious AF!


Brian’s drawing themes range from adventures to adventures as being a parent based in New York. Brian’s goal is to shed light on everyday life situations and how to deal with them. The scenarios most animal parenting, relationships, work and friendships. The artist garnered a lot of followers on his social media pages. Anyway, now let’s move on towards his most recently released work, shall we? Start scrolling!

More info: | Instagram | Facebook | Patreon

1. Did you just call me Mommy?


2. Remember, it’s “Daddy”!


3. But no one is talking about that ass crack?


4. Yeah, we noticed it too, Whale.


5. Everyone can surely relate to this.


6. Self-obsessed birdie.


7. What makes you think you’d escape this?

8. Oh boy!


9. Poor Mom!

10. Yeah, but you won’t think about changing the name, right?


11. Dandelions took it too seriously!

12. That’s pretty accurate.


13. Mystery solved.

14. Parenting demands patience.


15. Yikes! Creeeeepy

16. The last one is definitely my cat!


Well, we have reached the end of this post and we hope that you enjoyed these hilarious comics and maybe learned something from them as well. Brian surely deserves an appreciation for being so creative and now we know why did he get famous in such a short time span. We hope that he keeps making comics and wish him all the best for his next venture. But before you go, do you have any recommendations that you would like to see him draw? Feel free to use the comments section below to share your thoughts and opinions with us and also don’t forget to share these comics with your friends and family!


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