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Twitter User Asked How The Vaccinated Felt About Excluding Unvaccinated Out Of The Society, Internet Delivers

This man tried to take a mic out of vaccinated people and got bashed right back into their spot.

Getting a vaccine is something very crucial in today’s time. Especially after this whole COVID-19 saga which is still running at large, the importance of vaccination and its impact is now very important to everyone. Like, there are many other factors where people hold different opinions but the importance of a vaccine is kind of mutually accepted. There are actually cities and states that now check proof of vaccination before you are allowed to utilize a service i.e. a transportation services etc. And there are also restaurants that allow you to dine in and take your mask off if you hold a vaccination certificate. So yeah, a great motivator and incentive to get yourself vaccinated. And this very position actually pisses quite a lot of people who don’t really believe a vaccination would do anything. Some even say that the vaccine is a Government’s scheme to kill everyone and shrink the population. So much for that, Thanos!


A Twitter User, James Waterson, actually went on Twitter and asked the community of those vaccinated how they felt about those “excluded”.


Via Twitter

The user was bombarded with responses. We have gathered the 27 best ones for you guys to opinionate over.

1. Oof, I don’t think anyone is going to hold back on this one.


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2. I mean, we all are going to die anyway, why not get vaxxed on the way?


Via Twitter

3. Looks like this virus gave birth to a new society of only sensible human beings. I am glad to be a member.


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4. I think these words are less feelings and more firing towards those who are not vaccinated.


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5. Oh yeah, that superiority complex just rises up high.

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6. I think people took the main tweet a little too seriously. But very true what this person just said.


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7. Isn’t that what life is about? Joy, Bliss, Contentment, Hope, and Safety.

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8. Damn, straight at it.


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9. It is a key to whichever door you which to unlock. An easy life.

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10. Whoops, just spilled some truth.


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11. Aim, set, loose.

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12. You don’t have to act too smart, it is very clear who…


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13. Unvaxxed people are basically a danger to the society, Diseased people shall remain excluded.

Via Twitter

Are the unvaccinated really excluded? Or are the vaccinated really privileged? I am in love with this war. The thing about it is I am vaccinated so I know I am in the right. Our ancestors got through those diseases the hard way for us to get that protective shield around us, yet here we are. I guess you can guess my position on this matter lol.

14. Let me guess, get vaccinated?


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15. No chill!

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16. Such people love to live in their own world; an unrealistic world.


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17. Perhaps that delivers the point across.

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18. Precise and concise.


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19. It actually does to be fair. It fully does.

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20. One could argue about a couple of things, take me for instance. I am vaccinated and still ugly.


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21. Or they can just give the disease  to everyone and end the whole chapter. The choice is theirs.

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22. Sure does, Sir!


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23. She knows the cheat code and it is absolutely free.

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24. Why do I taste so much salt today?


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25. Not a reasonable member of the society, you read that?

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26. For your own good.


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27. It’s just a vaccine mate, just get it and be over with it.

Via Twitter

I would love for this to continue and want to know what you guys feel about this. Let’s get your opinions in and let the drama continue. Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


What do you think?