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Man Takes Hilariously Amazing Pictures With Superheroes That Show Angle And Perspective Is Everything

All we need is to be a little creative with our hobbies.

Some people like collecting stamps or coins, some read books, some paint, and some like to photograph things. Now, photography is art. Not everyone is capable of taking super fancy pictures. It does not just take an expensive camera to become a photographer. Now we are not demotivating anyone. Everyone is free to do what they like in their free time. No hobby is better than another as long as it keeps you occupied. However, to be a professional photographer, you can not just do it as fun. It takes much more than that. Sometimes you have to think out of the box in photography to get the perfect shots. Just ask Malaysian photographer Wire Hon, he knows how to do it.
Wire hon takes Marvel and DC Comics franchises figurines and places them in his photographs. He does all of it using just his phone. He manipulates the pictures and makes it look like the figurines are life-sized and standing right next to them. They are truly a sight to see. Camera work can play with our minds so well sometimes. Scroll down below to see some of his creative work:



1. Kid punching Deadpool.


2. These guys have some chores to do.


3. The biker team has assembled.


4. Tiny guy Hulk.


5. Robot Shopping.


6. Playing fetch.


7. Just asking for directions.

8. Double-crossing in style.


9. Who wants to wrestle him?

10. Cut the fight out you kids.


11. Hey can you get that?

12. They ain’t winning against her,


13. Hide-n-seek with a friendly robot.

14. Just working around the house.


15. Feeding a friendly electric mouse.

According to Wire Hon’s Instagram, “everyone needs a hobby…” so we can guess this is his hobby. He uses the help of his family members sometimes to create the perfect scene and it barely takes him 30 minutes to capture the perfect picture. We still have more cool photos to show you. Keep scrolling below:


16. Some friendly neighbours enjoying these cold drinks.


17. Be gentle with that.

18. Say ”Cheese”.


19. Hey thats a weird guy.

20. You’re busted, Mister Batman.


21. You can almost hear their drama.

22. Getting the red card.


23. This guy and his new girlfriend look fine.

24. Farming heros.


25. Put that plant there.

26. ”Sir I might need your van.”


27. Deadpool exploring his artsy side.

28. Get stepped on.


29. You forgot these.

30. ”How dare you?”




What do you think about this guy’s creativity? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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