
22 Pictures That Had The Most Wowing Backgrounds That Stole The Show

These backgrounds defeated the foregrounds in terms of appeal.

Naturally in an image, all we care about is the foreground. The main subject of the image is what we are concerned with when taking a picture of it, we try our best to make it look as appealing as possible. And even when we are looking at images, it is almost always the foreground that grabs our attention at first and then we analyze the remainder of the picture which includes the background as well. Every single one of us tends to do our best when posing for a picture or taking a picture of someone or something. The idea is to capture a memory that can be cherished forever. But, you just cannot ignore nature. There is always uncertainty, you never know what the final outcome of that image will be until it is captured and you take a look at it. Nature may send someone to photo bomb you in the background or move into the background something that creeps you out when you finally take a look at the image. In such scenarios, the background suddenly becomes far more exciting and attractive compared to the foreground.

Images that are photobombed are often considered to be ruined and you try to take another shot this time hoping the spotlight will remain on the foreground. But, and I can bet on it, when you go back home and take a look back at all the images you took in the day, those photobombed images will make you feel the most amused and would definitely get a kick out of you. And that is the purpose of today’s post.

Today we have compiled some images for you guys to enjoy and laugh at, images where the background steals the spotlight away from the foreground.

Scroll down below to enjoy the background absolutely stealing the show.

1. Nice picture ladies but what about that husband in the background who is using his wife to drill a hole in the ground.


Via Get_Stamosed

2. Well hello there boy.


Via BearWithAScarf

3. Both love and heartbreak in a single picture.


Via nurseratchet86

4. A new beginning in the foreground and the final meeting in the background.


Via RemoteControlArtist

5. Prom group picture photobombed in style.


Via millselle

6. It was a joy for the cameraman that day as he managed to see the whale jump live.


Via vanillapopcorn

7. Ain’t no selfies without me.

Via A_fish_called_tiger

8. The air balloon man decided to say hi.


Via taterpig

9. Watch out, watch out, watch out!

Via SarkyTyke

10. Here’s a kiss for you for supporting Spurs.


Via jaycrew

11. That person in the background is kissing their own reflection.

Via Trampolice

I swear, these backgrounds are so hilarious and absolutely unexpected in some of the images. You really have to dig a couple of them out but once you notice it, your jaws begin hurting from laughter and wide smiles. The backgrounds really did steal the show here. I know I cannot wait for more and you guys can’t either. So let’s enjoy some more images where the background ended up being the foreground.

Scroll down to continue.

12. He feels betrayed.


Via kazaamx

13. The pony on the left is actually a cat.

Via ascendantofrain

14. I got horses in the back.


Via OceanGoingSoul

15. Mommy is running after her baby who aborted the nappy changing mission.

Via heyitslolo

16. Milliseconds after this image they all must’ve heard a thud.


Via BryanwithaY

17. One is happily posing with a butterfly while the other one is being shoo’d off by another butterfly.

Via Bigforsumthin

18. It’s replicating the image on the baby’s shirt.


Via GummieLindsays

19. Girlfriend caught the bouquet and this is how the boyfriend reacted.

Via FellSamurai

20. Caught it live but did the guy manage to catch those people?


Via ppswwe

21. Mickey won’t be the same for me anymore.

Via sasquatchh

22. Couple was taking a selfie in the wild and a giraffe decided to join in.


Via MadrushnRU

I really hope you guys enjoyed these photobombs. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!


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