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30 Comics With Hilarious Unexpected Dark Twists

If you enjoy some dark humor jokes, then you’re super GENIOUS!

If you’re working and having a stressful day at the office, or if you’re at home having a boring day, all you need is to read some dark humor comics to lift your spirits because it is good to have a nice chuckle when you first wake up in the morning or at least once a day. Dark humor jokes seem to be taboo these days, but as we said before, it is perfectly OK to enjoy good laughter. And if you enjoy reading these jokes, we promise that we won’t share your love for dark humor with anyone. So keep enjoying it!


Alvin Juano, a 25-year-old phenomenal comic book star, and artist has posted some of his outstanding “The Square Comic” artwork on Instagram and to his surprise, he has earned more than 590,000 followers on the social media platform. Alvin started creating these brilliant dark comics in 2014. Many people love dark humor, but not everyone is fond of it. In the comics below, Square Comics creator Alvin beautifully depicts common events that occur in our everyday life. You never know what you’re going to receive from this artist because he uses dark humor to the maximum in his illustrations.

Just keep scrolling down to make your day brighter and better after reading these witty humor!

1. This doggo know what’s the problem.


2. A Strong Depressed Ben!


3. Nah, I’m fine here.


4. Earth is feeling lonely!


5. Couldn’t agree more on this!


6. But being alone in nature doesn’t mean to have this idea.


7. Going to the gym isn’t always a good idea.

8. Everyone’s Wish.


9. ADVICE: Always follow your brain!

10. Always be yourself and don’t listen to others.


11. Peck, Fight, Push!

12. Deep discussions with the inner core.


13.  Die-Hard fan of TV Shows!

14. Taste some shi*!


15. Hydrated, Awake, Calm…DREAM!!

At times, life may be a real challenge, and in certain situations, you may find yourself having to laugh it out—even if it means going a little dark and gloomy. While these may not be the finest jokes to tell your mother-in-law or boss, it’s perfectly acceptable to laugh at them on your own or with a group of friends who share your interests. Laughing at dark jokes may not be for everyone, but it may show that you are a genius in some ways. Whether you’re a genius or not, there’s no harm in letting off some steam with some black humor on your toughest and harder days.

Scroll down for more Black Humor!

16. You Loser!


17. Didn’t see that coming.

18. When Motivational Quotes Go Wrong!


19. Hey, appreciate that painting.

20. And they’re still not perfect!


21. Ah! Wish we all could get this second life…

22. Hey Hooman, get a life.


23. Oops! Wrong wish at wrong time.

24. Reality hits hard!


25. Why, Why, Why?

26. Water – Mother of all life!


27. Sad life of Mrow – THE END!

28. This Alarm Clock Reminds of Death.



29. Let’s have another FAILURE!

30. Jimmy is a piece of Sh**.


Laughing on these comics doesn’t make you bad one, but just a SMART ONE!

Which humor made you laugh out loud? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, pour in your thoughts and opinions on this series of artwork by Alvin.


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