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20 Before And After Pictures Of Pets Growing Up That Show How Fast Time Flies

Time flies by so fast, you do not notice a thing.

They grow up so fast. Life changes and you do not notice a thing. But when you look back to it, everything is different. Our little furry friends have different life spans than us. Their life spans are shorter and they grow older much faster than us. This is why we should cherish every single moment with them as we are creating memories with them that we will remember forever. We are most likely to outlive our pets so we are going to see them grow up and grow old and eventually pass away, which is a painful experience. So we should spend time with our furry friends while we can. But the truth is, no matter how old they get, they will always seem to be little babies to us. We will never be able to take them seriously or expect them to behave maturely. They will be our babies forever. However, watching their old photographs makes us realise the drastic changes in their bodies. It makes us see how fast they grow up. Scroll down below to see the before and after pictures of animals growing up:


1. “My dog and me in 1998 and in 2012”


© unknown / imgur

2. ”7 months apart — old habits die hard!”


© justinmillerco / Reddit

3. “Chewie grew SO much in just 2 months.”


© Kramilton / Reddit

4. “When I first rescued him and now! He and 4 other kittens were left in a city work truck.”


© chilibowlsgirl / Reddit

5. 2 weeks to 8 weeks.


© whyamilikethis2112 / Reddit

6. Tiny puppy to a fluffy cutie.


© aranjevi / Imgur

7. “Dr. Zoidberg (Berg) at 4 months old and 8 years old — we think he’s got a bit of perma-kitten face!”

© Zoidyberg27 / Reddit

8. “My best friend Savannah turned 17 today. She helped raise 2 boys and has been the best of good girls.”


© lo0117 / Reddit

9. “6 months later…fluffy to even more fluffy!”

© trixie_pixie_dust / Reddit

10. “My, how things have changed…”


© FalconPunchh / Reddit

Look at these adorable babies! Yes, all of them are babies. Before and after as well! We just don’t want to accept the fact that they have grown up. Our furry friends make us smile throughout their lives and maybe we should repay them in some way. If only they could stay in our lives forever, that would be perfect. They would be our best friends forever. Anyway, we are only halfway through the posts. Scroll down below to see the other half:

11. “Pics of my dog, 2.5 years apart”

© Pelo_del_perro / Reddit

12. “It’s still his favourite toy!”


© TheToxicLogic / Reddit

13. 1.5 years apart.

© Adithya608 / Reddit

14. “These were taken a year apart — last year when I found this little guy walking the streets, and today, getting cuddles.”


© April_loves_James / Reddit

15. “He helped me get through a very tough year. Couldn’t have done it without him.”

© White_bubba / Reddit

16. The desk baby got bigger.


© RespectMyAuthoriteh / Reddit

17. “I’m so glad he never grew out of perching.”

© carbonbasedcat / Reddit

18. “Left: 3 months old, right: 11 months old — we also got a third cat in the form of a tail…”


© hellonheelz / Reddit

19. 2 years and look at this puppy now.

© smiffy86 / Reddit

20. “My ’Poppy’ over the course of a year!”



Do you have any before and after growing up pictures of your pets? Share them with us in the comments below.


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