Obesity can affect up to 59% of pets, according to veterinarians. This is not surprising given that many pets are kept in apartments with limited movement throughout the day. Most of these indoor pets tend to stay on the sofa or lie around all the time limiting their movement. Restricting treats and making walks or playtime at home more active can help our furry friends.
So here at Defused we have collected 15 plus pet pictures that lost some weight but not their cuteness. Pets look cuter when they are obese but these adorable pets below gained more cuteness as they lost weight. They are too cute to resist and we are truly blessed to have pets. What are you waiting for ladies and gentlemen keep on scrolling down below, and make sure you watch it till the end. Otherwise, you are going to miss a lot of fun.
1. “Lost a little bit of weight.”
2. “6-month difference”. More power to this kitty cat she is really taking that song eye of the tiger seriously for kick up motivation.
© SAT**butspelledbruce / Reddit
3. “From 3 ounces to 2.8 ounces, Alexander has reached his goal chonk!”
4. “Almost 3 years of de-chonking”
5. Presenting you “Buddy’s epic weight loss!”
6. “Tanooki is basically a kitten again!”
7. “Handsome ex-chonker”
Aren’t they the cutest? We cannot be happier to see these fluffy mates getting fit day by day. Indoor pets tend to move a lot less compared to feline ones but here they are all fit and handsome. Keep on scrolling down below we have collected a couple of more of these just for you guys.
8. “Proud of my baby Loki, he did so well.”
9. “Rosie is almost at her goal weight!”
10. “Danni Devito’s weight loss progress!”
11. “Look at Wolfgang go!”
12. “Phoebe’s weight loss journey is going well.”
13. “My sister’s corgi, from 40 lb to 22 lb!”
14. “Progress report (~18 lb to 12 lb)”
15. “2 years and TONS of walks later, Shiloh has reached her target weight!”
16. “Tommy Boy has been successfully de-chonked.”
17. “Porkchop before and after de-chonking”
18. “Adopted this cute and overweight kitty a few years ago, put him on a diet, and now he’s less than half the weight of when I first got him!”
Let us know what you think about their transformation in the comment section below and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Do you also have a pet that has gone through an amazing transformation? If yes then don’t hesitate to share their pictures with us. Stay tuned with Defused for more fun content. Thank You.