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Wholesome Stories Of Rescue Dogs Enjoying A Second Chance At Life

Instead of thinking what a dog can do for you, think about what you can do for the dog.

We always get told to rescue dogs from the streets or from shelters etc. but do you know how difficult it can get? Rescuing a dog might sound easy but let us tell you, it is not an easy task. Bringing a rescue dog back to life and making them comfortable with you can be very challenging. You have no idea what a rescue dog has gone through or how difficult their life was before adoption. You have no idea how brutally they were abused or neglected by their previous owners. Their traumas are the reason they would refuse to trust you and accept you as your new owner. Well, we should always take the initiative and rescue a neglected dog without thinking about how the dog will react or what the dog looks like. Here, we have a story of a Reddit user u/earthad66 who rescued a dog that nobody wanted. OP thinks he has hit a jackpot with his rescue. Scroll down to read how a rescue doggo can be a jackpot for you.


1. Rescue a doggo and hit the jackpot. It’s that easy.


Via earthad66

2. OP rescued a doggo that nobody wanted to rescue.


Via earthad66

3. This doggo was better than a lot of trained dogs.


Via earthad66

4. She has gained weight, looks more happy and healthy. Everyone compliments her for being a well-mannered doggo!


Via earthad66

5. OP is apawlogizing for not sharing with us his doggo’s pictures.


Via earthad66

6. When you rescue a dog knowing nothing about her but knows all the basic obedience commands:


Via AggressiveChihuahua

Animals are adorable. Do not judge them for how they look or what they can do for you. A lot of dog owners do not prefer adopting a senior dog because they have an assumption that senior dogs are not friendly or active. All dogs are good dogs, just give them a chance. Trust us, you will fall in love with them. Scroll down to read more wholesome stories shared by dog owners.

7. Animals need a safe space to glow up.

Via auntwest

8. OP should give himself some credit because he shaved her and brought her back to life.


Via 60poodles

9. When you accidentally meet a mellowest dog:

Via AminaRapunzellAuburn

10. Give older doggos a chance, believe us they are not gonna disappoint you.


Via Kets_and_boba

11. A 5-plus-year old Italian greyhound mix.

Via 1_Methadone_Man

12. The gentle giant, rott-lab mix is setting the bar high for every rescue dog!


Via bizzy_mom

We love heartwarming rescue stories that inspire others and this one has surely taught us one thing: we should not rescue dogs under the premise of what they can offer us. We should act selfless and think about the dog. Have you ever rescued a dog? If yes, feel free to share your story with us!


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