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22 Animals Who Are Too Purrfect To Be Real

All animals are pawfect!

We can’t say one animal is more perfect than others because we believe all animals are pawfect and they deserve to be appreciated. Have you ever seen a cat with swirls that make her look like a cinnamon roll? Or a majestic fluffy cat that can make it to calendar? Or bunnies wearing spinach hats? We are sure you have never seen such beauty before. Today is the lucky day for you to witness not just one or two beautiful animals but a total of 22 purrfect animals that are too pawfect to be real. You will ask yourself if they are real animals or fake because they are just awmazing. Scroll down and enjoy!


1. “I tried to take a photo with my cat and it turned out than I expected. Do I have to release a hot rap album now?”


Via u/Faris-Hilton

If this cat will be part of your hot rap album, we are all up for it. Please go for it and release your album. We will be the first to cheer you up.

2. “These two have been inseparable since my wife got pregnant. Today’s my wife’s due date. I think our cat knows.”


Via u/Danyandme

This cat knew her mom was pregnant and she was already bonding with the baby. We are sure she is excited about the newborn.

3. If perfection had a face:


Via u/andreanigro

4. Just three friends hanging out together and giving major friendship goals:


Via u/tonerboner7

5. The purrfect cinnamon roll you will ever see:


Via u/BeardedGlass

She got such a purrfect swirls.

6. Meet Simba, the prettiest kitten ever!


Via u/Heissch

7. “Meet Merlin, the King of Siberian’s, eater of spiders and lover of plastic bags!”

Via u/Joe2Blue

8. “My husband and I have waited for 3 years to be able to afford a dog… Meet Archer!”


Via u/lovethedaffodil

We are sure that would be a dream come true to adopt this good boy!

9. When your cat accidentally jumps in the pot of butter chicken:

Via u/juicydwin

10. “First foster kitten. Will I end up keeping her?”


Via u/sea621

You will definitely keep her. Who would not love keeping a ball of happiness? A cute little catto who is full of pawsitivity and innocence?

11. When you go out to play and return with a new friend:

Via u/arjuna20

All animals are beautiful in their own way. Every animal has a unique charm but one thing that is common in all is they are adorable and loveable. They would make you love them. Whether an animal is blessed with unique features or not, their mischievousness or innocence makes them stand out. These cute little things are fluffy and snuggable. The beautiful fur, big round eyes or the cutest paws will make you ask if these animals are real. Scroll down, we have more.

12. Dog: I would not give you the ball.


Via u/nowchin78

Some belly rubs and the ball will come out of his mouth lol.

13. “These bunnies with spinach hats enjoying their greens”

Via u/Fair_Exercise_8072

14. Meet Bentley, a little duckling.


Via u/TheVodkaVaccum

15. “Charlie recently moved to being a boat cat. Safe to say he’s adjusting comfortably!”

Via u/DearAuntWinnie

16. “I feel like my old boy Rusty (14) belongs in a calendar shoot for senior pups. What do you think?”


Via u/tminor94

We think the same. Rusty is a handsome boy and he can make it to the calendar shoot. We are sure he will rock it.

17. “Got a ton of rain last night, and woke up to this little guy splashing in the tiny “pond” that formed in my backyard”

Via u/ayitasaurus

Wow! We would like to wake up to such surprises one day! Why are we not that lucky?

18. This lucky boy has been living with his loving owner for 18 years:


Via u/zm0d

19. “A kitten followed my mail cart for four blocks. Went back later to find her huddled by a garbage pile. Guess I adopted a kitten.”

Via u/mike_pants

Guys, please adopt the stray kittens. They deserve your love.

20. This pretty lady turned 10.


Via u/Normallyeffusive

21. That’s her favorite spot in the house:


22. Every kitty’s favorite thing to sit on is a keyboard.


Via u/nfhii

We hope you really enjoyed browsing through the list of perfection. Comment down to let us know which of these animals made you say “are you for real?”


What do you think?