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18 Dirty Jokes Hidden In Kids Movies We Can’t Believe We Missed

Animated and kid’s movie genre has grown significantly in the past few years and the quality, as well as the audience of this genre, has also improved. Children are usually accompanied by their parents while watching movies even if they are of the animated genre, for ensuring a good family time. These movies sure would include lots of drama and everything that is of a child’s interest but the makers of the movies make sure to include a chunk of spicy leisure which is mostly intended for the adult audience or else the parents would go yawning out of boredom throughout the movie.


Looking back over the years, our favorite childhood movies also included some subtle wit and double entendres which back then only flew over our heads as they were meant for the adult audience. Our young minds and sterile ears couldn’t exactly interpret those jokes back then but rewatching our most admired childhood movies now, we’ll surely be laughing our heads off over those grown-up jokes. Here’s a compilation of classy adult humor hidden in the greatest children’s movies. You’ll be surprised to see how you missed out on these dirty jokes disguised in the sweet magical world of animation.

1. Shrek had tons of subtle and not so subtle jokes, just like this one where Lord Farquad’s large castle was meant to compensate for his small something


2. Woody and Bo beep’s fling surely went unnoticed while we were little


3. Mushu was as unaware of the anatomical differences as we were, hereby jokes about Mulan’s top when she goes to bathe in the lake and it was hilarious


4. Shaggy is pretty good at flirting, this was a good one!


5. How fear confuses a hairy man with a bear was hilariously funny


6. As kids who would have thought what does a cat caught with catnip even means, it’s crazy how its so understandable now


7. The next question should be: how long did it last? This is hands down the best one!

8. The name ‘hooker’ toy pretty much says it all referring to Toy story


9. Grinch was as naive as us to understand that he was about to sneak into a swinger’s party

Our innocent minds were too dumb to get all these bluntly obvious adult jokes but the scriptwriter did a great job entertaining their adult audience along with the little angels. The weekend often calls for family movie nights and little ones get to choose the movies, to keep the interest alive, these animated movies provide a good amount of spiced entertaiment for the adults to chukkle at too!

10. Lightning Mcqueen got to enjoy ‘flashes’ while passing by from the crowd of fangirls


11. ‘Make my girlhood tremble’ has us in hysterics

12. Colette Tatou’s expressions seem like Alfredo is talking about his small little personal something


13. The Joke That Judy Makes In Zootopia when he says we are good at multiplying

14. Mr potato’s exclusive move of ‘kiss my as*’ deserves an oscar


15. Circumcision joke from the Rugrats movie

16. The sly intended to fly over us while we were kids, but having an affair with the boss joke was just too much


17. You dirty minds! He only wanted to sleep on the top of the bunker

18. Size doesn’t matter joke from Frozen, how innocent!


Shocked, right? Who could have ever thought these harmless one-liners could have the dirtiest meanings


What do you think?