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30 Hilarious Comics By Eirinnske That Accurately Depict The Awkward Situations Of Life

Young Australian comic book creator Eirinnske bases her comic stories on the hilarious and unpleasant events we see every day. She is from Brisbane. She has loved sketching since she was a little child, and many of her comics are based on her personal experiences or aspirations. Including her personal challenges, sweet and difficult relationship times, her cat, and her cherished profession. She incorporates her ideas into her works of art and creates a relatable comic world. Despite the fact that she has only been drawing for a little over a year, her Instagram account already has over 21K followers, and this figure is steadily rising. Therefore, we have compiled the most recent cartoons from Eirinnske’s collection that are sure to make you laugh a lot.


His comics primarily deal with problems from daily life. They are illustrations that are completely out of context, goofy, and random with unexpectedly hilarious surprises at the end. The appropriate amount of wit, comedy, and optimism is present. Exactly as we like it.  To see examples of his work, scroll down below to see some hilarious comics.

#1. The right amount of air

Source: Eirinnske

#2 Serotonin is low these days, the brain does not cooperate

Source: Eirinnske

#3 “I wish I could meet someone!!”

Source: Eirinnske

#4 “Are you serious??”

Source: Eirinnske

#5 Always on the carpet, big relate

Source: Eirinnske

#6 The ‘Q’ in LGBTQ is always confusing

Source: Eirinnske

#7 All girls know what having pockets feels like

Source: Eirinnske

#8 Such a sickening situation

Source: Eirinnske

#9 Happy pride to you all

Source: Eirinnske

#10 “Who did this to you?!”

Source: Eirinnske

#11 The Mandalorian

Source: Eirinnske

#12 It’s you who have to pick yourself up. Remember you can always do it!

Source: Eirinnske

#13 Cats are the rulers and we can’t disagree

Source: Eirinnske

#14 I need pun police in my life!!

Source: Eirinnske

#15 Now we know the big secret behind pockets

Source: Eirinnske

#16 The harsh truth always hits hard

Source: Eirinnske

#17 Let’s be happy

Source: Eirinnske

#18 A cat’s perspective will always be dark one

Source: Eirinnske

#19 Can all of us girls relate?

Source: Eirinnske

#20 Please don’t go!!

Source: Eirinnske

#21 You made the cat squint

Source: Eirinnske

#22 Don’t forget that you matter, too

Source: Eirinnske

#23 I want to go to this dream theatre

Source: Eirinnske

#24 When you are just not a call person

Source: Eirinnske

#25 I might be infected by cat affection

Source: Eirinnske

#26 Yeah I got you but with a lot of overthinking

Source: Eirinnske

#27 All kitties always act miserable infront of others for extra food

Source: Eirinnske

#28 An old pet is like an old friend who grows by your side

Source: Eirinnske

#29 When you’re just so insensitive to advances

Source: Eirinnske

H/T: Boredpanda

Oh, God. As frequently as they made me laugh, these comics also made me shake my head. Quite ridiculous, in fact. I adore comedy. What activities do you engage in during lockdown? Let us know in the comments section below. For more entertaining stuff, stick around.


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