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Teenager Gets Stranded On The Roof After Not Listening To Her Father, He Teaches Her A Lesson

Kids aren’t great listeners.

And when I say that, I mean that even if they say that they understood why their parents are saying what they’re saying, they will still do whatever they want. This is especially prevalent in teenagers who think they know better than their parents. Now, I am not going to sit here and say that just because parents are older, means that they know everything but they’re usually trying to do right by their kids even if they mess up sometimes.


However, that doesn’t seem to matter as no matter how many times our parents may tell us to not go near a well, I guarantee you we will do it just because humans are a curious bunch. But sometimes it is not about curiosity but about the fact that they think nothing bad will happen. That is what is happening in this particular story. This girl’s father kept advising her not to go on the roof alone but she kept doing it anyway until she got stuck there one day. As you can imagine, this caused her to panic and call her father.

You can read the rest of the story from the Father’s mouth by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

I know the title makes this guy sound really bad but just read on through and you will understand.


Now that we are into the story we come to understand that it revolves around a particular flat roof.


She and her friends would go on this roof but it was hard getting back in alone.


So he had always advised her not to go outside alone but she never seemed to listen.


So he comes back home two hours later and everyone is angry at him for leaving his daughter outside.


He says that it was not a big deal as she was perfectly fine.


And he also went on to make some quick edits to correct a few mistakes in the original post.

This is the reason he thinks he might be in the wrong here.


Honestly, I can’t blame the girl too much since most people do tend to do this kind of stupid stuff when they are young. However, she is 17 years old so she isn’t a child and she should know better. That said, I also think the Father took it a bit too far. I mean, he could have grounded her or punished her in some other way but simply locking her out of the house for two hours even though it was cold outside was rough. Although, I am not in his shoes so I can’t say for sure.

However, people in the comments were sort of split on their decision.

Some people took his side as it was his daughter’s fault.


While others called him out for being negligent.

I think it is safe to say that most people have differing opinions on this.


What are your thoughts on this scenario? Do you think he took the lesson a bit too far or was this the only way she was going to learn her lesson? Comment down below and let us know if you have ever employed a similar method to teach your kids a lesson.


What do you think?