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20 Humorous Comics About The Daily Struggles Of A Girl You Would Definitely Relate To

Women have to deal with so many things on a daily basis.

Hello to all the women out there! If you are a girl or a woman and you think you have to deal with difficult situations on a daily basis, then let us tell you. You are not alone. We are all with you. All of us are going through the same struggles. A freelance comic artist named Akshara Ashok makes comics with the name “Happy Fluff Comics”. All of her comics are about her daily struggles as a woman. She has more than 229K followers on Instagram. Her comics are relatable and this is why so many people love her comics, especially women. Today, we have compiled 20 of her comics that you would definitely relate to. Scroll down and have fun!


1. How can tomorrow arrive? I was not even prepared for it:


Source: Instagram

2. Every girl’s random fears:


Source: Instagram

3. Why does this thought comes to my mind every time I am in bed?


Source: Instagram

4. The fear is real when you are using a public toilet:


Source: Instagram

5. 23 years old me telling it to myself:


Source: Instagram

6. It’s time to party:


Source: Instagram

7. When you make big plans but are not ready to achieve them:

Source: Instagram

8. Why is it so unfair? Why doesn’t my hair grow longer than this?


Source: Instagram

9. In case you wanna know, all my money goes to buying food:

Source: Instagram

10. This video was a scam, I need to check another one:


Source: Instagram

We all do this, whenever we are working out. First, we need the motivation to work out. And once we start working out, we expect the results to show up real fast. Body hair, messy room, laziness, depression and love for food. These issues are common in all of us. Well, these things are a part of our lives and these are the little problems that add fun to our lives. Scroll down for more comics from Happy Fluff Comics.

11. When you are not good at painting nails:

Source: Instagram

12. When you plan a movie with your friends and they fall asleep after 5 minutes:


Source: Instagram

13. When your parents have no idea you have not slept all night long:

Source: Instagram

14. Let’s cry before we start our work:


Source: Instagram

15. Never trust someone who says “Stay up, I’ll call you.”

Source: Instagram

16. Eating out with your crush versus with your friends:


Source: Instagram

17. The manners of pooping:

Source: Instagram

18. Why do I relate to it on another level?


Source: Instagram

19. I have burned enough to eat the cake:

Source: Instagram

20. They need to make long-lasting hair colors:


Source: Instagram

We hope you enjoyed going through the Happy Fluff Comics. How many of these comics can you relate to? If you did, comment down below to let us know your struggles. Do not forget to follow Akshara Ashok on Instagram.


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