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Cat Got Lost While Family Was Moving, Shows Up At Their New House After Two Months

Never leave your pets unattended while moving home.

You have to be very careful regarding your pets while moving home because if you will leave them unattended, they will go missing, you will get late and the worst thing is that you will lose your dear pet. Halie Kutscher, the owner of the cat shared how they lost their dear cat. The family was living in Bridgeport, West Virginia and they had to move to their new house in Morgantown. They were all excited but the day the family had to move to their new home, their cat Oliver got missing. They tried to search her every nook and cranny but could not find her and they had to make the tough choice of moving out without their cat, Oliver.


Halie Kutscher’s 9-year-old son, Max, got Oliver from a Humane Society animal shelter two years ago. He was attached to the cat and was sad to lose her. He adopted Oliver when he was just a kitten. The family used to come back every weekend to search for Oliver but they always had to leave empty-handed. Max used to wake up, go down the streets and yell Oliver’s name. Max started sleeping with a stuffed toy ginger cat Beanie Baby which first belonged to his mother. He was never interested in him but after Oliver’s disappearance, he found comfort in Beanie baby. He used to wish his stuffed toy would turn into Oliver but that never happened. He used to pray and hope that Oliver would come back one day. Scroll down to read how Oliver trekked 45 miles to meet his family again.

1. Oliver, the small kitten, decided to go out on an adventure the same day his family had to move.


Image credits: Halie Kutscher

2. The family waited for him, searched him everywhere but failed to find it. The family had to make the hard decision to leave him and move to the new place.


Image credits: mama_kutsch

3. Halie Kutscher’s 9-year-old son, Max, got this cat from a Humane Society animal shelter two years ago when he was a kitten.


Image credits: mama_kutsch

4. Halie Kutscher says that her 9-year-old son used to wake up and down the street yell Oliver’s name in the hope that he would find him. He used to sob uncontrollably and it was heartbreaking.


Image credits: mama_kutsch

5. The family used to visit their old house every weekend to search for the cat but they always had to leave empty-handed.


Image credits: Halie Kutscher

6. Max and his family kept praying and hoping that Oliver would come home one day. Max found comfort in his stuffed toy ginger cat, Beanie Baby.


Image credits: Halie Kutscher

7. Each night, Max used to imagine that his stuffed toy Beanie Baby would turn into Oliver.

Image credits: Halie Kutscher

8. Someone heard their prayers after two months and a ginger cat came and sat in their family’s garden. Halie’s husband Nick noticed that it has similar features to Oliver.


Image credits: Halie Kutscher

All their pets recognized Oliver and the family got the microchip checked at the vet and it confirmed that it was Oliver.

9. The family has advised everyone to microchip their pets so if they ever get lost, you can find them.

Image credits: Halie Kutscher

10. A cat went missing for three months and showed up one morning at the front door:


11. Possibilities:

12. Yes, it is possible!


13. “Divine providence brought that cat to his family”

14. Cats can find their way to their home.


15. Aww, this cat showed up after months!

16. Thank God, Oliver was not harmed.


17. This cat showed up in her owner’s mother’s garden:

Have you ever lost your pet? How was it for you? Let us know in the comment section down below!


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