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50 Cats Who Got Stuck In Weird Places And Needed Human Assistance

Cats are playful and curious; they would get themselves stuck in the weirdest places to satisfy their curiosity.

Why are cats like this? Why do they always have to get into the places they are not allowed to get into? They are always curious to explore new things but also get themselves in trouble. Whether they would fit in an object or not, they would try it. They would climb trees, get on the top of the door, stuck in the window while catching a fly, stuck in a shoe, shopping bag, wall, net and even in Christmas tree. Cats are smart but once they are stuck, they wait for their hoomans to arrive and help them get out of the grinding situation. Today, we have compiled photos of 50 cats who got themselves stuck in the weirdest places and looking for human assistance. So, scroll down and enjoy this hilarious post!


1. When someone asks me to go to school:


Via: vylen

2. Why do I feel sad for this cat?


Via: dylan_smith58

3. “Anyone else ever had to cut a hole in their wall to get to their trapped cat?”


Via: ChipperVA

Cats will make you do everything.

4. When your cat wants to try every Amazon empty box:


Via: unknown

5. When you are in your lawn and find your cat in the window like this:


Via: VQ37HR911

6. “Sandals are his favorite toy.. until he gets stuck and I have to save him”


Via: lebrunjemz

Daddy, why did you take it from me? It fits me purrfectly.

7. She got stuck on the top of the wardrobe door:

Via: FranciscoEverywhere

8. “She knocked my cup of milk off the counter and proceeded to get her head stuck in the cup”


Via: RocketPuff

9. “When you attack the yarn, but it gets stuck on your tongue”

Via: boatdock18

10. “Left unsupervised for 3 minutes he climbed into the sweatshirt and was found trapped like this”


Via: 9999monkeys

Mommy, don’t you think I look cute?

11. “The reason cats jump on Christmas trees is that cats want to become Christmas tree ornaments.”

Via: reddit

No, mommy, I was trying to bite the ornaments.

12. When your cat wants to try a parachute:


Via: chillygecko

“There isn’t much that can make me smile but seeing mooshie get herself stuck in things and pretending like she isn’t makes me smile alot”

13. I got to the top of the door. Mission Accomplished:

Via: mensrea26

14. When your cat gets her face stuck in the tape roll:


Via: not-a-pretzel

15. Cats are independent, sometimes they just want to make you feel good about yourself:

Via: Ben_S_Hyland

16.  “This dumb idiot wouldn’t stop yelling about how it’s stuck when it got in there in the first place”


Via: stormingstormer

Yeah, I got in there but now I am stuck and can’t get out of here.

17. When your cat gets caught red-handedly while trying to get stuck:

Via: Icetox

18. “Had to rescue my kitty when he got into the ceiling then fell down the interior wall and got stuck under the stairs.”


Via: angelljames

19. When your cat wants to have a closer look at the birds:

Via: marley2012

20. Ahh, mommy, I am stuck. Please, take me out.


Via: Effective-Tie1291

21. When you are chasing a bug and get stuck in there:

Via: Juniper118

22. The reason why my phone never gets charged:


Via: SanthoshPSK

23. “I heard pawing and complaining, turns out he got himself stuck in the bath”

Via: pm_me_cute_sloths_

Cat: Human, what do you think? You are the only one who can take a bath?

24. She got herself stuck in a booby trap:


Via: dogismywitness

25. “I walked into this scene after I heard some things being knocked over. He got himself stuck in the blind pulley strings…”

Via: notionsxpotions

Cats are curious beings and they would always get themselves stuck in new places. You can keep some empty amazon boxes in your home so your cat has a place to sit in and play with rather than finding new places and end up getting in trouble. Scroll down to see all the fun these cats are having.

26. “This dummy got her head stuck in a bag of cheese its”


Via: BMOforlife

27. “She was playing with a cardboard wrapper and got stuck. I’ve never seen her so defeated.”

Via: Donelleo

I would have never complained if it was not this tight.

28. “My cat got stuck in a yard game- please zoom in on his face”


Via: Alternative-Term-959

29. “hydrocat”

Via: oomouse

30. “I gave my cat a hair tie while I was studying, she kept playing with it until she “stuck” her paws and decided to go to sleep…”


Via: Nicko_S

31. “This is fine.”

Via: Accurate_Treat_7446

32.  “Got stuck in the vent took us a while to figure out how she was meowing in the hole house”


Via: Mrmemes1800

33. “His brother was there for emotional support”

Via: Gooeyoutcome

34. “Please send help”


Via: duchess_luna_

35. “I was wondering where the new kitten went”

Via: Tbonsai

36. “Stuck. This is his look of acceptance.”


Via: erischilde

37. “My cat is not what you would call the smartest of cats…”

Via: MissNicolicious

38. “Asshole escapes from house and gets stuck – then demands to be rescued immediately!”


Via: PnutButterN_Jealous

39. “he got stuck in the screen then fell asleep”

Via: C4ptaincrunch20

This is so adorable and cute.

40. “Our cat is a moron. Yes he’s stuck. No it’s not the first time.”


Via: jBizzle211

41. “That’s a new place to get his claw stuck”

Via: filipemego

42. “I have made a huge mistake!”

Via: wildcatlady

43. “Tillie found a small hole in the closet ceiling, made it bigger, then got stuck. Took thirty minutes to get her out despite her asking for help. We just cleaned the closet too”

Via: RSkyeD

44. “Ugh these guys are always up to no good.”

Via: Goldplatedplate

45. “She immediately regretted this.”

Via: cptnredbeardo

46. “It’s smaller than I thought…”

Via: standzwithuhfist

47. “Ehm, I think I’m a little stuck here, so if you would quit laughing and help me out, I would really appreciate that, thank you!”

Via: pellethescottishfold

48. “Julien got himself stuck in my shirt and didn’t know what to do about it”

Via: haneauxx

49. “Father, I am stuck”


50. “Heard crying in the closet… Thistle was stuck, balanced on the hangers.”

Via: doombean

Has your cat ever gotten himself/herself in trouble and called you for help? If yes, let us know in the comment section.


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