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25 Cats Who Refuse To Accept That Their Boxes Are Too Small For Them

Cats love empty boxes and they know how to fit into them.

We do not know why cats are so obsessed with empty cardboard boxes but they get the happiest and comfiest when they are sitting and resting in empty boxes. They would keep an eye on your Amazon package the moment it would arrive home. As soon as you would keep your things out of it, they would come running and sit in that box. No box is ever small for them. All kinds, sizes and shapes of boxes are purrfect for them. Whether they can fit or not, they would prove that they can fit. They would consider a box purrfect even if it only fits their paws. Today, we have 25 cats who refuse to accept that their boxes are too small for them. Have fun scrolling down!


1. I guess I have gained some weight but that’s fine. I can still fit in the box:


2. No matter what the size of the box is, I would try to fit in it:


3. If I fits, I sits:


4. Hello, hooman, can you find where I am:


5. Forget about the couch, I would sit in the box:


It was meant to be empty for me.

6. If any of you wants to ship cats, we have the best boxers available:


7. Hooman, why are you looking at me like that? Did I sit in the wrong box?

8. No, it is not a fox. It’s a furry kitty.


Shh, do not make noise, our kitty is sleeping.

9. She is living her best life in this box:

In case, you are thinking she is uncomfortable, she is not. She is living her best life.

10. The face that you make when your owner is not talking to you:


11. The best product Nike has ever come up with:

Book your favorite article before it gets out of stock. Cats have a love for all kinds of boxes and this is the reason why they turn liquid. They cannot resist cat boxes and instantly turn into the liquids state to fit in every small box.

12. Ahh, look at this box, hooman. Seems like this box was made especially for my paws.


13. When you are stealing the box from your hooman’s room but wanna make it look like you have not done anything:

14. The way she is holding her tail is so cute:


15. When you play hide and seek with a toddler:

16. “I’m good for at least another 5 pounds”


17. It’s time you find a new box for your shoes because this one is taken:

18. If you are thinking to take this box away from me, just know that I will kill you. Understood?


19. When you get your parcel from Sephora but your cat loves it more than you:

20. Nothing has felt this comfy:


21. Never doubt a cat’s powers again:

22. If my feet fits, I fits:


23. This box is purrfect, it lets me wag my tail:

24. She does not mind falling down again and again:


25. At least, my face fits in the box:

We hope you enjoyed watching these cats getting into the empty boxes. If you did, give it an upvote. If your cat does the same, share its photos with us in the comments section down below!


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