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Hilarious And Unusual Comics By “Caw4 Comics” That Will Make You Chuckle

Humour is really important in this day and age.

With all the things we have to worry about, we really need some comical relief every now and then. Things can get too boring or stressful with work or studies. That is why we should always take some time off for ourselves and enjoy a laugh or two. After all, laughter is the best type of medicine. It can cure you of any kind of sadness that you have in your life. We need things like comics in our daily lives so we can enjoy them while we take some time off from reality. It can really help you sometimes, try it. And what better place to come to than Defused to get your daily dose of comics? This time we have gathered some really special and different comics for you.


These comic series are by Caw4 Comics and they have gathered almost 57.1k followers on Instagram. Their comics consist of colourful panels and a very unusual sense of humour that catches the eye of most of their readers. The artist behind these comics has chosen to stay anonymous, but that does not stop them from creating brilliant comics. Scroll down below to see 17 comics by Caw4 comics that will make you crack up.

Source: Instagram

1. Emotional strength is just as important as physical strength.


2. A blood test counts as a test, right? I’ll get a B+ on that too.


3. Therapy can be pretty expensive.


4. The end of the world is here!


5. There is no one stronger than someone who has conquered their fears.


6. A proposal? Why isn’t the demon lord blushing?


7. Us humans are pretty good at denying facts.

8. Hero got real super quick.


Are you enjoying these comics? They are pretty different from your usual comic styles, aren’t they? Look at all the colourful panels and details in some of these. It can be really fun to read some of Caw4’s comics when you’re in a bad mood. We aren’t done just yet. Keep scrolling to read more comics by them.

9. Dad is taking it a bit too far.

10. That got dark pretty quick.


11. Needless to say, you’re screwed.

12. There goes the Knight.


13. But are you good at calculations?

14. He literally took the Chef’s salad.


15. Where do all dogs go after death?

16. Which one is my real son?


17. Leave the spider alone immediately.

Did you enjoy these comics? Would you like to see more soon? Let us know in the comments below.


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