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Soccer Player Unintentionally Hits The Dog, Apologizes To The Owner But Refuses To Pay The Vet Bills

Soccer Player Unintentionally Hits The Dog, Apologizes To The Owner But Refuses To Pay The Vet Bills

People should take their dogs to dog parks and not to a place where they can be harmed.

It is for the dogs’ safety. If you are intentionally taking your dog to busy streets or playgrounds, then it is your fault if your dog gets hurt.  A 17-year-old girl who plays soccer has shared her story on Reddit. She was out on a soccer field with her friends to play soccer. There was no one in the field but after some time, a lady comes to the field with her old dog. OP overshot the ball and the ball hit the dog’s back legs. OP went to the lady and apologized. OP told her if she wants her to call the emergency or vet but the lady refused. The lady asked for OP’s phone number so she could contact her about the vet’s bills. OP refused and came back. Scroll down to read what happened next.


1. OP was playing soccer with her friends at a park. A lady came with her old dog to the park. OP overshot soccer and it hit the dog.


Via: VetBills17

2. Soccer hit the dog’s back legs. OP apologized to the woman and asked if she can call the emergency or vet but the lady refused and asked for her phone number so she could contact her about vet bills.


Via: VetBills17

3. OP refused the lady’s offer. The lady got upset and went away but OP’s friend texted her later that she should have given her number because it was her mistake.


Via: VetBills17

4. OP hurt the dog, she should have at least paid something.


Via: VetBills17

5. The lady shouldn’t have walked her dog near the soccer field.


Via: VetBills17

6. OP is not obliged to get that lady her number.

Via: VetBills17

7. OP did the right thing by not giving the lady her number but she should have taken the lady’s number.


Via: VetBills17

8. The dog owner should have been aware of the surroundings and the dog wouldn’t have been harmed.

Via: VetBills17

A lot of people are thinking that OP was playing in a public park but it was a soccer field. It was the lady’s mistake to bring her dog to a soccer field. Also, OP is not obliged to give her phone number to a stranger.

9. The dog owner is responsible for what happened to the dog.


Via: VetBills17

10. OP injured the dog and refused to take responsibility.

Via: VetBills17

11. OP was playing soccer in a place that was designated for soccer so it was not her fault.


Via: VetBills17

12. The lady should have taken the dog to a dog park and not to a soccer field.

Via: VetBills17

13. Someone thinks that it was a public park and that everyone has a right to be there.


Via: VetBills17

14. The dog owner should have been attentive.

Via: VetBills17

15. When someone breaks or ruins something, it is their duty to make it right.


Via: VetBills17

16. OP was playing on an actual soccer field.

Via: VetBills17

We have mixed opinions from the Reddit community. What do you think who is TAH in this situation and what would have been the best response for OP? Let us know in the comment section.


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