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Teacher Shares Funny Things Her Students Said That Are Worth Reading

Teaching is not an easy job.

Whoever said teachers have it easy is dead wrong. Teaching can be very hectic and they’re mostly underpaid for their efforts. You have to make sure each one of your students gets enough attention and none of them feels neglected which are the gestures of an amazing teacher.. You are held accountable for their performance and if you are a teacher of young students, you are also responsible for their grooming. That can really put someone in a stressful situation since they are helping to bring up the future of the world. Your students look up to you as an inspiration so you also have to be very careful of your own actions and language around them. Students learn a lot from their teachers other than academic work. This year has been especially hard on teachers, so let’s take things on a lighter note today.


Emily Kooistra is a teacher of second-grade students and she shares her teaching experience on Twitter. Recently, she shared the top 10 funniest things her students have said in a Twitter thread and this will make you chuckle. Children are so pure! Scroll down below to read the list:


She compiles funny things her students say in a book, and she shared the top 10 with us.


10. If she is that saint-like, sure.


9. Oh no, what a potty mouth!


8. I bet she would be able to do that.


7. I really do understand the runner-up kid.


6. This kid really doesn’t enjoy baseball practice.


Children are saints. Just read this list! They really are innocent souls full of life that must be protected at all times. The hearts of children are pure from any kind of evil this world displays, and teachers play a major role in what direction they choose in life. These kids really are lucky to have such a nice teacher. And this teacher is also lucky to have such wholesome and goofy students. Scroll down below for the rest of the list:

5. This kid knows what it is like to constantly repeat the same thing.

4. Student B is pretty much right.


3. Answer us, Miss K.

2. No markers will be used today!


1. When kids take things too literally.

What has your student-teacher experience been like? Share it with us in the comments below!


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