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30 Cats Doing Bad Things Unapologetically Because They Are Cats

Cats are the main characters.

Despite the fact that we love our pet cats endlessly, sometimes they do act mischievous and naughty by trying our patience and being destructive. Yes, despite them being super messy we can not help but love them even more all the while hating their guts. It is a love-hate relationship. Having a cat is like having a spoiled kid, the more you love them the more they will get out of your hands. If you let them be, they will rebel even more. In situations like these, all you can do is be calm and take a picture. The mess won’t last long but the memory can.

So let’s cherish all the good things and bad things related to our pet cats because clearly there is not much we can do. Actually, there is nothing we can do about it, to be honest. It is better if we just love them for who they are even if sometimes they turn into destructive beasts. You signed up for it, so technically it is your fault the cat made a mess. Do not blame the innocent fur-baby. Keep scrolling to feel relieved that it is not only your cat who is being messy, other cat owners are experiencing the same thing.

1. I finds good spot, I sits. I do not cares.


2.“The airport security service checked us very carefully. They found our cat in our carry-on luggage. It’s good that our friends agreed to pick her up or we wouldn’t have gotten on the plane.”


3. Breaking News: A cat who steals undies!


4.“My cat occasionally visits our neighbors. Today he came back with a little snack.”


5. You better work, you worthless peasant.


6. Do not annoy me or I swear, I’ll drop it.


7. “Your face when your owner finds all the treasure you hid under the couch”

8. He has a plan and he is going to accomplish it. R.I.P to your signals.


9.“I’m glad I can find a way to comfort those who need it…even in these situations.”

10. I just want to know why do cats love sitting on laptops.


11.“It’s always tastier this way.”

12.“Dogs were whining at their food bin because they caught our new cat helping himself. Absolutely shameless!”


13. How did he get up there?!

14. This is what mood swings in cats look like.


15.“Left him alone for 5 minutes…”

All cat owners are probably clean freaks since they have to put up with the cat’s extremely messy behavior. They probably clean their house twice a day. If you own a cat that is not messy at all then let me tell you something, my dear friend. You are one lucky person. Other 99.9% of cat owners are jealous of you.

If you are planning on getting a cat then I hope you are glad you found this article. You might want to rethink your decision. All jokes aside, I want to clear this misconception we hear about cats being easy pets. Sure, we do not have to worry about spending most hours of the day training them daily but cats come with very different responsibilities. Like I said before, cats can be equivalent to a human child. An innocent baby at first then a spoiled brat a few months later. If you are ready to take on a full-time parent duty then best of luck to you because they need a lot of care and attention. Keep scrolling to see why they need to be looked after 24/7…

16. Peek-a-boo! Mommy, where are you?


17. Imagine if this cat starts running. You won’t be able to find the puzzle pieces if you keep searching for years.

18.“I think the new shelter cat we adopted is warming up to us.”


19.“When you see your owner’s dream”

20. Owner told her not to sit on the keyboard.


21.“We’re painting the kids’ rooms this morning. This happened because — of course, it did.”

22.“This is supposed to be her cat. And I can’t even play Xbox without her now!”


23.“She likes to ‘paint’ with water from her bowl.”

24. I will bite if you annoy me, hooman.


25.“When your mom turns her back and you steal the leftover corn muffins from dinner…”

26. If I saw my cat like this out of nowhere while showering, I would scream, slip and die.


27. Aww! It is cute, though.

28. The owner lost 40 minutes of work because of his cat and he has a message for all cat owners that do not buy a computer case with an upward-facing power button.


29.Had To Unplug The Touch Lamp To Prevent This Adorable Bastard From Turning It On Whenever He Was Hungry At Night

30. “Bob the kitten did not approve of the cactus.”


Don’t you just love it when your cat destroys your plants? I know, you cat lovers actually do love them despite it all. And it is actually very beautiful. A master-peasant relationship. Tell us your stories about your cat destroying your favorite things in the comments down below so we can all be here for each other in this happy misery.


What do you think?