
25 Entitled Parents Who Think Should Get Cheap Stuff Because Of Their Kids

Parents will go to great lengths for their kids. They would give them anything they requested if they could. This is the main reason why most parents will go above and beyond to earn their children’s birthday or Christmas presents. But, working hard for them might occasionally translate into constant bartering. For good reason, many internet marketplaces would provide lower pricing than traditional stores. If the price is negotiable, you can even request a lesser price from the seller. Nonetheless, there are many who believe that if they state their price, it will be adhered to. People enjoy privileged parents.


In order to make the seller feel awful enough to agree to their desired price, these entitled parents would pour out all of their hardships. Sometimes they would even demand free things by doing that. Sellers are nice enough to explain why they wouldn’t compromise and why they continued to receive profanity. Also, the parents would emphasize how their actions were to blame for their children’s crying. Some find it strange when vendors publicly display screenshots of chats in which they discuss how someone may be extremely entitled while claiming that their children desired it. Here are some instances of those things, and you decide whether or not these parents have any rights.

1. Ripping off this vendor by using the mom card as well as the Jesus card.


2. Considering such expensive products, it didn’t seem like a particularly difficult question to ask.


3. Courageous enough to ask him for that low a price, but not courageous enough to take care of their children.


4. The OP was respectful enough to avoid getting into a fight, but that’s one-way individuals try to make up for their bad life decisions.


5. The “By the way, I’m ten” really sold it. 6. Occasionally, they try to ignore the fact that the people they work with have lives of their own.




7. And how would that be helpful?

8. Searching for items that match their look


9. Make it fair for the servers by making the children wait patiently for their turn once more or by paying for one.

10. Caught


11. The parents are likely to share their opinion that her behavior is appropriate.


12. It was all well until…


13. The market is occasionally very erratic.

14. Just because they assist you once does not grant you access to all of their resources going forward.


15. Watch as OP bargains in the fourth.

16. Because it only concerns her 2/4, she wouldn’t let it go.


17. OP attempted to respectfully explain, but to no avail 3/4

18. Inconvenience and rudeness


19. Back of a UNO card

20. If you’re unnecessarily bothering someone for your kids, it might be time to stop caring.


21. They genuinely believe they could curse at you and continue to haggle.

22. The attitude was evident from the first few conversations…


23. Finally, being blatantly unreasonable and demanding

24. At a selling area, there aren’t many people who might give out of the goodness of their hearts…


25. It need not land on the OP’s shoulder.

It’s okay to consider your children’s wants and desires or to want to offer them the best presents. But, there is a thin line between that and entitlement, especially when you put other people through inconvenience. These merchants likely don’t need the stress of worrying for the parents’ children because they are likely just trying to offer their goods or services for a fair price. Their decisions in life, not the vendors’.


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