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20 Parents Share Reasons For Their Kids’ Tantrums And It’s Hilarious

Tantrums can give young kids a constructive opportunity to vent their thoughts when they are feeling strong. These can happen for a number of reasons, such as feeling overstimulated and frustrated or being misunderstood. Kids can learn to identify and control their emotions with the support and patience of a parent, eventually replacing tantrums with more productive forms of communication. As kids get older, they can learn to communicate verbally, which can help them better control their emotions and deal with difficult circumstances. Little children between the ages of 1-3 are learning about the impact of their activities and how to communicate their needs, feelings, and wants. As toddlers learn to control their emotions by throwing tantrums to try to understand and change their environment and express their feelings, this age can be an exciting and rewarding time for parents.


This period can benefit both parent and child with tolerance and understanding. Older kids frequently show that they have learned healthy strategies to express and control their emotions. Parents have used Twitter to share the imaginative and amusing causes of their kids’ tantrums. Check out this list of the funniest causes of child tantrums, and give it an “upvote” if it makes you smile.

Just in case.


I’m being followed by the moon.







Toddlers and older kids may be less likely to throw tantrums if certain factors are in place: Temperament has an impact on how children respond to various situations, therefore it’s important to understand each child’s unique temperament. Children can be calm if they are well-rested, not overly hungry or stimulated, and have the ability to express their emotions. Helping kids control their emotions requires creating a safe environment where they feel confident and powerful. Kids can learn the abilities they need to deal with various situations by being given age-appropriate activities and toys. Children can learn to control their emotions and express them in a healthy way by having their feelings acknowledged and validated.

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Thank you


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