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50 Funny Parenting Tweets That Are Both Advice And Comedy

Funny parenting tweets

Parents are superhuman. That doesn’t mean parents can’t cry, unintentionally let their kids wear the wrong clothing to school, or accidentally burn a grilled cheese. Simply said, it indicates that they manage to balance everything, even how difficult it may be.

Even more amazing is how many of them continue to have a terrific sense of humor the entire time. This makes you wonder how they do it. I say this because kids can make life h*ll. What else would you then call parents if not superheroes if they try to still squeeze some hilarity out of life after all the challenges?

Today, we are going to be diving deep into the lives of parents thanks to them for sharing their life experiences as parents. These tweets are about parenting and are really funny to read. Maybe some of you who are parents or about to become parents would consider these tweets as advice while for others who have yet to consider that phase of life, this would be a nice comedy session.

Either way, scroll down below to enjoy!

1. That’s the only reason why he is not rich otherwise he would’ve dethroned Elon Musk in a matter of seconds.


Via thedad

2. The protest comes first and then the dad.


Via HenpeckedHal

3. You mean he still ended up doing a much better job.


Via deloisivete

4. That is something she is lawfully allowed to keep bringing up, sir.


Via Chhapiness

5. The excitement got the better of his kid, and the dad took full advantage of it.


Via HenpeckedHa

6. I hope you enjoyed the instrumental concert on the two-hour car ride, Mom.


Via MediocreMamaa

7. It is always the french fries, they always work.

Via deloisivete

8. I was going to say “Is he dumb?” until I read the last two words.


Via HenpeckedHa

9. A long wait to reveal the truth.

Via reallifemommy3

10. Dad, please take your time and decide first.


Via daddygofis

11. It’s like Sherlock enters their soul for that particular period.

Via emilykmay

12. Awe, this is so cute.


Via clhubes

13. Oh my god…I cannot with these children.

Via IHideFromMyKids

14. I agree with this Dad.


Via thedad

15. A neat, simple, three-word advice that every parent must follow.

Via DocLarus

16. It is a game based on pure reality.


Via KatieDeal99

17. When you try to impress your kid and it backfires.

Via mom_tho

18. Sorry honey, but money has no taste.


Via Dad_At_Law

19. They still play with Barbies…it’s just that their way of playing with them has changed a lot.

Via ambernoelle

20. Every couple goes through this phase.


Via IHideFromMyKids

21. I think kids are better at Mario Kart so does that mean you don’t want your kids to respect you?

Via itssherifield

22. I think she read some stories about Karens being Karens and thought every girl growing into a woman gets a disability.


Via laurawritesit

23. Honey, we need to talk.

Via KatieDeal99

24. I mean, they are valid questions if you think about it.


Via daddygofish

25. Mother, you have been discharged from your duties. Alexa has now taken over.

Via notmythirdrodeo

This is pure hilarity, you just cannot regard this as anything else. Moments with kids are so adorable. These events make you forget about all the stress and tension that comes with parenting. There is no doubt that upbringing and parenting, overall, is extremely difficult and can easily squeeze the life out of you but these moments that run side by side keep the parents motivated and get them going with high spirits.

Loving it! Let’s read through some more funny parenting advice. Scroll down below to continue reading!

26. The 3-year-old got the biggest of its life.


Via clhubes

27. Stuck between those two dimensions…forever.

Via IHideFromMyKids

28. Why would anyone ever decline a pizza?


Via simoncholland

29. Little things…all that matters is those little things.

Via itssherifield

30. Never have any expectations from kids.


Via dadmann_walking

31. I am sorry for this suffering, sir, that you now have to face for your entire life.

Via thedad

32. It will never be enough.


Via oneawkwardmom

33. Not maybe, it is definitely a “mo-hawk”.

Via deloisivete

34. They will never forget that yes. That wish will have to be fulfilled no matter what.


Via reallifemommy3

35. These are the things that make you want to become a parent but all the other events that we have just read through act as obstacles to the final decision.

Via kindminds_

36. The hierarchy will always work like this.


Via oneawkwardmom

37. That actually was a good one!

Via copymama

38. Your grandmother’s soul is now…inside your…daughter…


Via jordanbseltzer

39. Create a petition and I will sign it.

Via copymam

40. It is a spiral that even Daddy cannot fix because he needs to use it.


Via simoncholland

41. You bet your bum there will be a hamster in this house within the next week.

Via copymama

42. Tried to lecture his daughter, ended up getting lectured by her.

Via milifeasdad

43. She needed them to garnish her scrambled eggs. She is the next Gordon Ramsay.

Via missmulrooney

44. This went deep.

Via Chhapiness

45. A very nice technique of waking up early without drinking coffee is having it thrown on you by your child.

Via MChalasani

46. She remembered. She will always remember.

Via BunAndLeggings

47. So none of Hawaii.

Via itssherifiel

48. I think I’ll pass on this one.

Via MegStEspiri

49. Did we just find the mom of the year?

Via notmythirdrodeo

50. I am sure every person who knows music grinned as they read this.

Via Komaniecki_R

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via teepurr

Dog tax.

“I seriously cannot even! Today’s daycare photo of my girl who is absolutely Smitten with George, the Great Dane! The face says it all.”


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