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Father Gets Revenge On An 11-Year-Old Who Won’t Stop Bullying Her Daughter Online

Nobody wants to mess with an angry parent.

When everything is going their way, parents can be especially calm. They will, however, hulk out if their child is physically or emotionally harmed. That is exactly what happened to this father after he overheard a child insulting his 8-year-old daughter. This occurred on a Minecraft server that was generally considered safe for children. While we all know that the Internet is full of creeps, there are times when a parent must intervene. Whatever your feelings are about allowing such a young child to play an online game, you can’t deny that this father handled everything perfectly. Rather than feeding the trolls, he was eager to learn more about this kid.


So he obviously went on a Google search and was able to locate the father of this child. Now, I don’t agree with doing this in general, but this kid deserved it by acting like a brat and saying things that should never be said to anyone, let alone an 8-year-old. Bullying is already a major issue, but cyberbullying takes it to an entirely new level. Because you have no idea who is saying such horrible things about you. That is why, to survive on the Internet, you must have especially thick skin. A skin that has not yet developed in children.

So, if you want to see an angry parent get a child in trouble, scroll down to read the full story.

Source: Reddit

While I do think it is a bit callous to let such a young kid play on an online server, her parents know best.


But whatever your opinions may be on this, nobody wants to see a little girl get hurt.


And that is exactly what was happening as this kid spewed vile things at her.


So the father came up with a solid plan and decided to find this little brat.


While he wasn’t able to find the kid himself, he did find his father.


So his wife explained everything to the Father and how his son was bullying people online.


Things were quiet for a few days until they got a message and it was sweeter than anything else.

When it comes to children, people are generally forgiving of many things, but a line must be drawn somewhere. I understand that many children say whatever they want, especially when it is anonymous, but they must learn at a young age that these words can be harmful. And I hope this brat realises his error instead of letting his rage fester and always blaming this little girl for snitching on him.

People in the comments were also quite appreciative of how the other Father had reacted.


And that he had given his kid a just punishment rather than letting things slide.

It is all too often that we see parents acting like their kids are the perfect angels.


We all make mistakes but we need to learn that they come with consequences.

I also hope that the daughter is stronger for it.


A lot of people learned some valuable lessons from this story.

This is a very valid opinion and it may be the truth.


Doxxing isn’t okay but in this case, it was necessary.

What were your thoughts on this story? Do you believe the parents went too far and should have simply blocked or muted the child? Or do you believe it was a just punishment? It’s also worth noting that the alleged ‘father’ could be posing as a child himself, as there are a lot of creeps on the Internet. What do you think about all of this? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their opinions as well.


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