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FIL Tells Daughter-in-Law To Iron His Shirt Because She’s A Woman And That’s What Women Do, She Ruins The Shirt

iron father in law shirt

Despite the progress made in gender equality over the years, women continue to face discrimination and gender bias in various forms.

It is unfortunate that gender discrimination is still prevalent in our society. This discrimination can manifest itself in subtle ways, from the gender pay gap to the expectation that women should take care of domestic responsibilities. A recent incident that occurred during an engagement party highlights the deeply rooted sexism that many women face, even in seemingly innocent situations.


OP’s father-in-law asked her to iron his shirt while she was getting ready for the engagement party. She was rushing and her makeup was half done but her FIL handed her the shirt while telling her “that is what women do”. OP was appalled but she attempted to comply. She ended up ruining his shirt and FIL had to wear an ill-fitting replacement. This incident is a clear example of how gender roles and expectations can lead to unnecessary conflict and tension. Scroll down for the full story.

FIL told the bride to iron his shirt because she is a woman:



OP’s father-in-law stayed at their house while attending their engagement party and was getting ready there.



OP’s father-in-law asked her to iron his shirt while she was getting ready for her engagement party:



OP attempted to iron her father-in-law’s shirt but accidentally ruined it and apologized for her lack of ironing skills.



As a result of OP’s mistake, the father-in-law had to wear an ill-fitting replacement shirt provided by OP’s fiancé and he had to iron it himself.



OP explains that her father-in-law is a sexist man who abused her mother-in-law in the past. And he demanded OP iron his shirt because of her gender, and she did not feel the need to teach him how to be less sexist.



Unfortunately, stories like these are not uncommon. Women are often expected to fulfill traditional gender roles, such as cooking, cleaning, and ironing, regardless of their skills or interests. This expectation can be particularly challenging in professional settings, where women are often judged based on their appearance and domestic skills rather than their competence and expertise.

It is time to challenge these gender roles and expectations and recognize the valuable contributions that women make in all aspects of life. OP’s story is a reminder that we need to be vigilant in calling out sexism and gender discrimination whenever we encounter it, even in seemingly innocent situations.

A guy who always thought her mother didn’t iron his shirts well ended up marrying a woman who made him do his share of the housework:


The woman taught her son how to iron his clothes.



She also taught him how to do laundry because she does not want her son to rely on someone.


The dad joke:



A guy told his wife how to iron his shirts properly:


“No, you need to teach her that’s her job”



We all need such men in our lives:


We would love to hear your thoughts on this story. Have you ever encountered similar situations in your own life? What steps can we take to challenge gender roles and expectations and create a more equal society for all? Let us know in the comments below.

The cat tax:


Source: Reddit

“Have you ever been able to catch that moment on camera?”


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