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Upper Management Employee Had His Work Laptop Stolen With Company’s Data, Regrets Not Reporting It

Device Stolen

Suppose a company that you work for gives you a phone, a laptop, and a nice car all three for office use only. You are not supposed to consider those benefits as your personal property…ever. If I am a rich dude and my laptop gets stolen, I may not care about filing a report to the police about it…as long as it is my personal device. If that laptop was issued to me by my company and is connected to the company’s main network, which means confidential data can be accessed through that device, then I will have to be very extremely careful and report the stealing instantly to the police and the company as well. To the police so they can start searching for it and to the company so they can quickly wipe the confidential data on it. That makes sense, right? Right.


I wish this one guy who is at the center of today’s story had this much sense too. Reddit user u/FfityShadesOfDone shared an experience about an employee calling in to ask why he couldn’t access his account. After investigating, OP told him his account was blocked due to multiple incorrect entries to log in to the account. The conversation went on and it turns out the employee’s work laptop had gotten stolen days ago and he hadn’t filed any report about it. The device contained some confidential data too that he said shouldn’t come out to the public.

OP was in utter shock and disbelief to witness such childish behavior from someone working in a multi-billion dollar company.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. If the stolen device is expensive or contains important data, well then a big deal must be made out of it.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

2. Ideally these people should have the most sense about these things.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

3. That is one thing I don’t like about companies that become tycoons…maintaining and managing gets too hard…or maybe as much care is not given as it used to be given during the growing phase.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

4. One time OP received a call on the VIP line from a number without any caller ID. It already rang bells in OP’s mind as he picked up.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

5. CC has an important to attend and he is locked out of his account.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

6. Turns out CC’s account has been blocked by the security team after mainly failed attempts were made to log in.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

7. OP asked for some basic information to verify CC’s details before helping him with his account.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

8. CC provided an employee ID that was incorrect.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

9. CC swiftly bypassed the question about who he reported to. OP did some further questions to get to the end of the matter.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

10. Hold up, CC’s laptop got stolen? That is new news that he, logically, should’ve mentioned as the first thing after OP picked up.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

11. A few days ago and CC didn’t file any report for the loss. OP was shocked.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

CC is unbelievable. I mean, this guy needs to have a session with the Training and Development department. He works for a billion-dollar company and didn’t report his stolen laptop because he didn’t think it matters much. What is he on? That is a corporate laptop that could potentially contain data that could potentially turn those billions into a zero. Either CC is being too c*cky or he truly has no idea how dangerous all this could be.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

12. The entire company’s security was at stake so OP quickly asked for some important details from CC so he could wipe the laptop and the corporate cellphone hoping that no one had fiddled with the data yet.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

13. But CC, he just did not care.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

14. CC actually has no idea how damaging this whole incident could be for the company if his laptop contains confidential data of the company.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

15. When do you get your new computer? Dude, stop acting so cool. Somebody stole your laptop which contains the company’s data. CC is infuriating me.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

16. CC is not getting access to that account.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

17. Just give the required information and have it your way, CC.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

18. CC is a lost cause at this point.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

19. CC literally had no clue about the severity of things….and he didn’t want to know it either.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

20. I hope its not the thief calling trying to access CC’s data.


Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

21. Oh, so it was CC himself…at least that is confirmed.

Via u/FfityShadesOfDone

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

22. Creepy…


Via Rimbosity

23. I hope we will find the answer to this question one day.

Via blackhat8287

24. It is a multi-billion dollar company, something has to be done about this.


Via Geminii27

25. There is a possibility.

Via TonyToews

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via 8BallAdams

Dog tax.

“I knew she was perfect when I rescued her.”


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