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Deli Employee Who Doesn’t Work There Anymore Refuses To Make Sandwich For Customer


The subreddit r/IDontWorkHereLady is a place where people share funny and puzzling experiences, and one story has caught the attention of Redditors. In this tale we are sharing today, we find ourselves in a entertaining situation at Publix.


The story is about a Reddit user who got mistaken for an employee at the sandwich place. Even though they repeatedly said they didn’t work there, an old customer who was regular insisted OP help her and started to be disrespectful to him. He had to go report her to the customer service. The post describes the main character’s frustration and the absurdity of the situation as the customer stubbornly refuses to believe they aren’t an employee. It shows how annoying and exasperating it was for the author to take the steps it took.

The Reddit community got really involved in the story, sharing similar experiences and adding their own humorous thoughts. The comments section became a lively exchange of funny remarks, understanding, and entertaining stories about mistaken identities. It makes us realise hard conversations that can happen in everyday life and how we should shut people up. It shows the toxic side of human interactions and how people can cling to their assumptions and feel entitled to shout at people. It leaves readers with a smile. Scroll down to read the full story.

OP worked at a Publix in Florida that was located beside a retirement community so most of the customers were old and ill-mannered.


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There was an old regular customer who used to order a sub but would complain while waiting in lines and detest the customer service.


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The lady used to whistle at people when to grab attention.


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The woman was ungrateful and complained all the time, everyone hated her but could not do anything as per the store’s policy.


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OP quit due to the old lady’s behavior and was at the store to return another co-worker’s stuff when the same woman calls her again.


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OP told her he can’t help as he quit but she did not believe it.


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The woman grabbed OP’s arm and pointed at him, called him the worst employee, and threatened him.

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OP got his arm out, cursed the lady, and went to report to the customer service counter.


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She was inquired about her behavior.

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OP was thanked by other coworkers for getting rid of her.


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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. It is obvious that the teacher was being short-tempered and overreacted for no reason while OP is in the right here. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

That was the highlight of the story

Conclusively, the old woman should die.


Publix should end this policy because some customers are relly sh*tty.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused.


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