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7 Surprising Things That Children Can Sense While In Their Mother’s Womb, Pregnant Mothers Can Relate Already


Pregnancy can be taxing on your body.

While it is undeniably beautiful when another person begins to grow in your body, it can also bring with it a slew of health issues. However, I am not a doctor and will refrain from discussing this. After all, mothers already receive a lot of unsolicited advice from others the moment they discover they are pregnant. While growing another human being in your body is fascinating, there are many things most of us don’t know about pregnancy. I didn’t know half of these things before I read up on them.


The most important thing to remember is that babies can sense a lot more than we think. Of course, I’m referring to when the pregnancy is a few months old and the foetus has grown large enough to feel those sensations. However, it is truly fascinating to see that the baby can feel these things even while inside someone else’s body. If you think about it for a moment, it’s quite insane. That is why we have compiled a list of sensations that babies can experience while in the womb. Some of these are common knowledge, while others may surprise you.

So scroll down to see for yourself.

#1 Your baby can sense when you are the one touching them.

Portrait of a happy pregnant woman touching her belly while standing indoors


In the intricate world of prenatal development, the bond between a mother and her unborn child is nothing short of remarkable. From the moment of conception, a baby begins to experience and respond to various stimuli, including the touch of their mother. This innate connection between a mother and her baby in the womb has captivated researchers and parents alike, shedding light on the profound emotional and physiological impact it has on both parties involved. They also try to respond in their own way by giving a kick or some sort of signal.

#2 They are able to sense light even though they can’t open their eyes.

Pregnant girl in nature. Photoshoot of a pregnant girl in jint and red t-shirt in a field at sunset


In the mysterious world of the womb, where life begins its journey, babies possess a remarkable ability to sense light. Even before their tiny eyes fully develop, they react to the presence of light, hinting at the intricate sensory experiences that unfold within this hidden sanctuary of early life. This usually starts to happen after 15 weeks of development. So go on out in the sun and see if your baby moves around.

#3 Your baby is able to taste everything that you eat.


Intriguing and often overlooked, the phenomenon of babies tasting what their mothers eat during pregnancy opens up a world of fascinating possibilities. From the flavours that permeate the amniotic fluid to the long-lasting impact on a child’s perception of food, exploring this topic sheds light on the intricate connection between a mother and her unborn child. Yes, babies do start developing preferences as early as the second trimester. So don’t forget to eat your vegetables!

#4 Babies can develop music preferences while in the womb.


In the intimate world of the womb, where a tiny life begins to take shape, an intriguing connection between babies and music unfolds. Research suggests that not only can babies hear sounds while still inside the womb, but they can also develop a preference for certain types of music, with potentially long-lasting effects on their development and well-being. So pick a calming song and let your baby hear it as often as you want. This might help them calm down after they are out in the world.

#6 It is possible for a baby to hiccup while in the womb.


A phenomenon often goes unnoticed: babies experiencing hiccups. While it may seem impossible, these tiny yet significant movements within the womb offer a tiny glimpse into the development and behaviour of our unborn children. Hiccups in babies in the womb are believed to be a normal part of their neurological development. These hiccups occur when the baby’s diaphragm muscles contract, causing a sudden intake of amniotic fluid, which creates the characteristic hiccup sound. And yes, it is just as adorable as it sounds.

#7 Your baby will get a jolt of coldness when you drink ice water.


The connection between a mother and her unborn baby is complex, with certain sensations experienced by the mother potentially being felt by the baby in the womb. For example, babies may feel cold when their mothers consume cold water. This connection highlights the interconnectedness and sensitivity of the developing fetus, providing insight into the complex and mysterious nature of human development. According to doctors, this is a great way to check if your baby is doing okay within your body.

Did you find these facts surprising? Or were you already familiar with the majority of these? Please share your most bizarre pregnancy story in the comments section below. Remember to share this article with your pregnant friends so they can try some of these tips as well.


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