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Boyfriend Berates Girlfriend For Refusing To Gift Anything To His Ungrateful Sister For Her Birthday

Entitlement and ungratefulness go hand in hand.

Entitlement is a pervasive mindset that exists in people from all walks of life. Entitlement, whether it is the expectation of special treatment or the belief that one is deserving of gifts and luxuries, can have a significant impact on relationships and society. I’m sure we all have family members who would perfectly fit the entitled mold, but they don’t realize it. It could be that their parents taught them to be this way or that they never experienced the consequences of their entitled behavior. While I don’t like blaming parents for everything, entitlement is often the result of never having to listen to no.


Parents may believe they are providing their children with what they did not have, but in many cases, they are simply spoiling them. Thus, there must be a balance between loving your child and spoiling them rotten. Since this effect can snowball, your child will grow up to be someone who believes they are entitled to everything. Moreover, ungratefulness may be the least of your concerns, as they will expect the same treatment from all family members and complete strangers. At least that is what the sister of the original poster’s (OP) boyfriend anticipates.

Scroll down to find out what the following story is about.

Source: Reddit

The OP certainly sounds petty in the title.


But there is a lot more to the story we don’t know.


The sister has never thanked them for anything and is plainly ungrateful.


The event that broke the camel’s back was Amy wanting her brother to send money for a simple request.


The OP’s boyfriend still wants to send a gift to his sister.


Via Reddit

He also wants OP to pitch in, but she has had enough of Amy’s entitlement.


The OP ended up on Reddit, feeling unsure of what she should do.

I don’t think it’s wrong for the OP not to want to buy something for her boyfriend’s sister. She is clearly ungrateful, having never said thank you. Now, I could understand this behaviour if the sister was very young, but she is a full-grown adult and should act accordingly. I mean, whenever I receive a gift from a sibling, I make an effort to thank them in any way I can, even if I am unable to give them anything in return.

A simple card or even a verbal thank you does not require much effort and can be done by anyone. Not only that, but the sister had the audacity to ask for the money she spent on the post, despite the fact that she does not appear to be struggling financially.

OP and Amy are both the same age.


To be fair, thinking of your sister as a kid is nothing new.

I mean, she is his sister, so it is quite different.


Via Reddit

Saying a simple thank you would solve all these issues.

We got another update that makes Amy look even worse.


Being grateful for gifts is a common courtesy.

This is something that is really surprising.


She couldn’t, or she didn’t want to?

Via Reddit

That would be funny, but it would cause a lot of problems.


Splitting costs is pretty weird.

OP was quick to clear some things up.


There has to be a reason behind this weird dynamic.

It is his choice to do what he wants.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on the sister’s behaviour? Do you think the OP should stop ending her gifts? Or do you think the OP should keep the peace? How would you react if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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