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Girlfriend Refused To Send Money To Unemployed Boyfriend Who Went On A Vacation In Thailand Without Telling Her

We all make mistakes.

Humans are prone to making mistakes because we are imperfect beings. Whether it is a minor error in judgement or a major blunder, no one is immune to the inevitability of making mistakes. I’m sure we’ve all had those moments in our lives when we couldn’t believe what a dumb decision we’d made. And usually, our stupidity is not broadcast on the Internet. However, there are many times when this occurs, particularly if your significant other is involved and they happen to be browsing some specific subreddits. The embarrassment can be overwhelming.

Now, I’m not saying that all mistakes should be forgiven and dismissed. After all, if they continue, they have the potential to highlight other aspects of your personality that your partner may dislike. I keep mentioning partners because today’s story is about relationships and what it takes to ensure your significant other is satisfied with you. It definitely doesn’t include going to another country on vacation without telling anyone and then asking for money when you get stuck due to the pandemic. That is a sure-fire way to destroy a relationship. But that’s exactly what one guy did, and now he’s calling the poster of this story an a**hole for not assisting him.

Scroll down to read the full story and decide for yourself who the real a**hole is.

Source: Reddit

This is a long title, but it sums up everything.


Right from the start, we can tell the relationship has problems.


Her boyfriend isn’t too keen on finding work.


However, what made her even angrier was when he planned a trip without even telling her.


She was obviously angry, and he even asked her for money.


Via Reddit

Things didn’t end there, as he got stuck in Thailand and now needs the OP’s help.


OP must realise that if she refuses to help him, their relationship will suffer. Now I completely understand that his decisions were extremely stupid, and she is not responsible for him. After all, he is an adult, and he put himself in this situation; he can find a way out of it. While I am not usually a pessimist about relationships, I believe this one is doomed from the beginning.

Neither of them appears to be particularly invested in this relationship. And OP doesn’t sound concerned about her boyfriend. So I believe they should both have a serious conversation about where they stand moving forward.

Most people in the comments were surprised by his stupidity.

But the most important question concerns their whole relationship.


Does she even want to be with him?

A lot of people pulled no punches and were brutally honest.


Via Reddit

It doesn’t seem like she cares much about him.

And the boyfriend doesn’t seem any different either.


It is clear that they have other problems than just this.

This comment might be exaggerated, but their point stands.


His behaviour does make him come off as very childish.

Via Reddit

He is the one responsible for his own actions.


However, some people have a very unique perspective when it comes to this story.

People suggested that he might be lying to her through his teeth.


They are in a relationship, after all.

She needs to figure out what she wants in the future.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how the OP should handle this situation? Do you think she should send him money so he can get back on his feet? Or do you believe this is a lost cause and she should move on? What would you do if you were in her shoes? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their own similar experiences.


What do you think?

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