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10+ Passive-Aggressive Signs That Are Too Funny

Want to tell someone to do something but they just don’t listen? Here we have a fun solution for you without being straightforward or rude – a passive-aggressive, funny sign! I’m sure you have some people in life that just don’t understand your words no matter what you say so these ideas can come in handy. I personally have had my fair share of moments where all I want to do is just tell people to literally, bugger off. But sadly, we live in a world where being straightforward is considered rude, hence humans have come up with a solution that gets their work done without hurting other people’s sentiments. Well, as long as they don’t understand it.


In this article, we have combined the best spiteful and passive-aggressive signboards that are surely going to have you burst into laughter. To be fair, these people had no other option because things were getting out of hand! In some situations, these things just get on your nerves. Like imagine people driving or parking close to your car, or, people littering, or just generally being bad bad bad. These irresponsible people, in my opinion, deserve a piece of our minds. So why not?

If you’ve been in a similar situation, which we are sure you have, take help from these signs and not just enjoy them. Because we are sure you will! Scroll down and check them out.

1. I hope these rats invade their houses as well.


Wouldn’t want that to happen now, would you?

2. Yikes, that seems a bit personal.


But gotta admit their heads at the right place.

3. Ouchie!


Sometimes, it’s not our fault, okay?!

4. This one’s gonna hurt some people for sure.


Here is a bandage for all those who just loveee speaking loudly.



6. Hit them right where it hurts!


Masculinity going down the drain.

7. I mean, isn’t that just too basic?

Do we really need to school people for this now?!

8. This is what you get for littering!


You’ll have to forcefully admit these now! Public shaming!

9. Everyday or DAILY!

The fact that they had to put emphasis on that word. Looks like someone isn’t doing their work right.

10. This witty sign is on a car so you remember to keep your distance!


11. These are just a little too hilarious.

Passive-aggressive signs can be a lot of fun as well, can’t they? I’m sure you agree with us, now that you’re halfway through this article. We love how these signs are giving us the motivation to go out there and make things right. Ahhh, if only there was no pandemic. Ahem, totally not procrastinating. Anyways, we have even more in store for you all. Just enjoy these and who knows you might as well get a new idea for dealing with an annoying person in your life! Keep scrolling!

12. Advertisement done right.


13. Oh, that was a brutal burn indeed!

I’m sorry, California. But am I though?! hmm.

14. Yoga and being responsible together? Hmm sounds like a deal!


15. I wanna know why there is a reminder for such a simple thing?!


16. We DO listen to your reviews!


17. We understand!

Because that’s what humans are supposed to do :))

18. As simple as that.


Yeah, they don’t wanna hear your entire life story. That’s what therapists are for!

19. That’s what you get for being passive-aggressive! LOL

20.You’ve even disappointed the app!


21. Oh cmon!

Now we gotta hear it from our phones, too? Can’t catch a break.

22. This one is for all the Karens.


I’m sure the entire world would agree to this.

22. Take it easy, my guy.

Should’ve done things right in the first place.

And, we have arrived at the end of this hilarious article. We are certain these fun passive-aggressive comments brightened up your day. We would still recommend being as straightforward as you possibly can be, but if not, you know what to do! And, if you’ve already encountered such people in your life, we would love to hear about it. Comment below and share your stories with us, we’ll be waiting!


What do you think?