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Mother Limits Her Son’s Food Intake, Asks If She’s Wrong For Controlling How Much He Eats

Puberty is a time when various concerns arise in youngsters that require proper evaluation. Some of them develop an eating disorder in which they consume either too much or too little food to meet their body’s demands. A proper consultation with a related specialist is necessary to address their hormonal imbalance and food habits.


OP narrated the same issue when his healthy 16-year-old son, who loved food, started eating too many snacks in a day. OP was already making three meals a day, with breakfast and dinner as the full meals and lunch as a lighter meal with salad or pasta. If any of the kids did not like the menu, they made snacks of their own choice. OP’s elder son started escalating his number of snacks when the school let out. OP was concerned about his health; hence, he made the plan of limiting the snack time. OP reduced their kid’s time to eating two meals of home-made food with five things of their own choice, which was accepted by OP’s three younger kids. The elder one did not like the concept of limiting food, so he threw a fit and went to his grandparents house to complain about it. His grandparents scolded OP for making such absurd rules for the kid, who was growing up and wanted more food than other kids. Read the whole story to learn about OP’s situation and share your thoughts about it in the comment section below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP asks whether cutting back on their son’s meal portion is improper.


2. OP explained that according to the doctor, their son was medically fit.


3. OP’s son was 16 years old with healthy weight and active body but he loved food and his habit of snacking was increasing gradually.


4. OP cooked three meals every day, and if anyone did not like what is prepared, they may make sandwiches or frozen meals for themselves.


5. OP reduced her children’s serving to two home-made meals with five things of their own choice each day. Her other kids were fine with it, except for her older son, who pitched a fit because he couldn’t manage his eating habits.


6. When OP’s son told his grandparents about OP’s restrictions on his eating, they supported him and scolded OP for starving her son.


Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.

7. Redditor believes that OP’s son’s hormones are disturbing due to a growth spurt.

8. Needs to check his TSH level for hyperthyroidism.


9. Redditor thinks that it would be because of a growth spurt and puberty hormones.

10. OP is thinking of making an appointment with a nutritionist.


11. Redditor advice OP to let him check with a doctor who will do his blood test.

12. Yes, a good nutritionist will solve the problem.


13. Of course! Vitamins should be taken every day.

14. Yes, mental issues decrease with a healthy diet.


15. Redditor struggles with a lack of motivation.

16. Exactly! Needs to lower carbs and increase proteins in the diet.


17. Redditor advice OP to see a dietitian instead of a nutritionist.

18. Obviously! Keep feeding if the machine is burning fuel.


19. Redditor thinks that OP’s son should do some part-time work to earn money for his extra snacks.

20. Yes, OP should let her son eat until he is eating healthy.


OP should not limit his son’s food consumption because it would make him crave more. He’d be satiated for hours if she supplemented the breakfast with more protein, so cut back on carbohydrates and boost the amount of eggs and chicken. After high school, boys began to gain muscle, necessitating more calories for growth. Because his son was under the age of 18, OP was obligated to feed him a range of nutritious foods because he was too young to work and purchase them on his own. What are your thoughts on the decision taken by the OP? Comment with your comments in the space provided, and return to Defused for more stories.


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