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18 Cat Owners Who Didn’t Think About The Consequences Of Owning A Cat

As cat owners, most of us have seen our kitties being weird and we can’t ask for anything else.

Cats are the epitome of being spontaneous and most cat owners are surprised to see their cats reacting to things and places in the most cat-istic way possible for the first time. Their reactions to the most minuscule thing in our homes are hilarious and cute. Only a cat owner can understand this side of their cat and can’t help but give in to their kitties sudden reaction to things. For example, a cat might try to get into the thinnest space possible in your house and you’d be surprised to find out how cats can be little ninjas when it comes to hiding or gets themselves into places where they need your assistance to get free from and then go back to that place.


So here we have a list of owners who were shocked to learn how their cats can react to things.

1.“Every single day… He will stay in the bag pretending to be stuck, then attack you effortlessly, launching himself free if you offer help.”


2. “Of all the places to sit… She picks the clean dry cleaning.”


3.“Her name is Oh No! It fits her very well. While I’m sweeping, she’s scattering the debris around! She’s currently obsessed with uncooked spaghetti, keeps her entertained for hours!”


4.“This happens when I open a can of tuna.”


5. “My cat sits up here all night meowing for attention, even if I bring her down to spend time together, she runs back up immediately and keeps meowing. Why a cat, why?”


6. “Harry, hiding under the side of the bed waiting to grab my feet”


7.“A compilation of my cat Jasmine screaming at me because she swatted her crinkle toy under the stove. She screams so loud she shuts her eyes sometimes. The neighbours hear her from outside the house. My cat is a banshee.”

8. “My dad bought a cactus to discourage Mingus from getting on the counter. Here’s Mingus with the cactus.”


9. “My father attempting to eat dinner in peace”

10. Black curtains? No, they’re your cat’s hiding space.


11. First I lay my paws on this chair, your face is next.

12. “What do you mean by, ’What did you do?’ The shower curtains were like this already!”


13. “Because who needs personal space… Or to breathe…”

As cat owners, we’ve all been in these people’s shoes and it’s hilarious to see their cats reacting in the same way our cats did. This proves that no matter where you’re from, or whichever generation you’re from, all cats are the same. We can learn a thing or two from that. In philosophical terms, cats can show people that there’s no supreme race or creed that is superior to the other. That got deep but if you want to look at more cats being a hassle for their first-time owners, scroll down below.

14. “Loki says no to me crocheting.”


15. “Does this count? She didn’t even let me wrap my towel properly first.”

16. “Benny recently learned that the acoustics in the shower will amplify his voice and the curtain will protect him from the squirt bottle. His concerts start at 4 AM and last until everyone in the house is up with him.”


17. “Moved the stove today and found Gracie’s stash…”

18. “Slept in past normal breakfast time…”


And with that, we conclude our list. Which ones were your favourite? Let us know in the comment section below.


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