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Entitled Bride Goes Crazy When The Shop Owner Refuses To Make Free Wedding Gifts For Her

Wedding gift? This bride should get a slap on her face!

We’ve all heard about wedding blues and cold feet. But a bride going complete nuts before her wedding is a whole difference scenario.


Usually people sign up for a gift list and prepare for all their wedding day shenanigans’. But we have found a bride who is demanding gifts from a stranger, to give out as gifts to her guests!

Yes, that’s right. Someone posted a story on Reddit about an entitled bridezilla arguing over 3D printed wheelbarrows for her wedding and it’s no one but the author himself who prints them. Read the full story to find out more.

1. Just a normal routine chat between a client and the supplier.


2. Heads up.


3. It’s not like you’re not already spending thousands of dollars on the wedding.


4. And why would he do that for you?


5. Wait for the slap on her face.


6. That’s not stupid, you are!


7. If you don’t know anyone who does that then shut up and take it or leave it!

8. He’s not your brother, you know.


9. LMAO! He got the invitation part right though.

I have no idea how he remained so calm during the whole conversation. I would have just snapped and ended the whole thing right then and there. And people seem to think the same. Here are some comments which made us feel a lot better.


If you have any similar stories that are equally interesting and fun to read, do let us know in the comments below.


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