Monday, everyone! Get up, stand up, and shine! The dogs are barking, the birds are singing, and the cats are purring from their perches on our chests, wanting their breakfast. No matter how much we may not want to, it is time to stand up. And we really don’t want to, too. Nothing would make us happier than to lie in bed and cuddle with our kitties for a little while longer, but alas, we must start adulting, and adulting means that we must begin this Monday in the proper manner, and the only proper manner is with a compilation of cat memes that are worth snorting at.
Nothing puts a grin on our faces more quickly than a gallery of hilarious cat memes. We made the decision to bring you one on this lovely yet irritating Monday morning for that reason. We wish you luck and purrfection this week and hope you enjoy this small dose of feline humor. Scroll down below if you want to have a good time.
1. I legit got scared by this one
This is grace. This is beauty. This is purrfection. How dare you call this amazing creature of god a monster? Clearly, this is a powerful void capable of great and incredible things. We can only imagine the strength that she contains in her pawnderful cat form. We will not stand for this slander.
Via @hannahbern2