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20 Wholesome Animal Comics That Are Too Pure For The World

Animals have a long history of providing humor, excitement, and profound life lessons in comic strips, and one great lesson that stands out is the idea that everyone, regardless of species or appearance, is deserving of love and respect. From a sly fox to a wise owl, a mischievous cat to a friendly dog, these creatures embody qualities and emotions similar to our own, connecting with readers and conveying valuable insight. Their comics often talk about animal cruelty and spread awareness of the heinous acts that are committed against these poor creatures on the daily.

Animal characters help us remember that we share similar wants, needs, and emotions, no matter our differences. Artists like Joan Chan are key to delivering an essential message of love and respect for all through their heartwarming and inclusive animal comics. Their ability to connect with audiences and deliver these uplifting messages with their work is admirable. Here are the top 20 comics by Joan Chan for you to enjoy and learn from!

Source: Justcomics_official

#1) Hermit crab and missing your old shell.


Source: Justcomics_official

#2) Eyestalk ablation is cruel.


Source: Justcomics_official

#3) Cleaner fishes looking sharp!


Source: Justcomics_official

#4) Do you care now? They are sentient beings but do not receive the protection as other farmed animals.


Source: Justcomics_official

#5) This bee is polishing it’s résumé.


Source: Justcomics_official

#6) Claustrophobic.

Source: Justcomics_official

#7) The little joys in life.


Source: Justcomics_official

#8) Climate crisis will affect everyone, but the poor and hardworking people will suffer the most.

Source: Justcomics_official

#9) The story of male chick peter, part 1.


Source: Justcomics_official

#10) Waiting to hatch.

Source: Justcomics_official

Joan Chan is the creator behind the Instagram artist account Justcomics_official, known for her inclusive and diverse comics that explore themes of identity, family, abuse and community. With over 40,000 followers, Joan Chan’s illustrations offer an intriguing and whimsical world where animals take center stage, each with their own distinctive personality and quirks. With her incredible illustrations and storytelling, she effortlessly humanizes her animal characters, making them endearing to readers and holding abusers, and people who are complicit by supporting animal cruelty, accountable.

#11) Looking for his mother.


Source: Justcomics_official

#12) Can’t find his mother.

Source: Justcomics_official

#13) Male and female chicks in the egg industry.


Source: Justcomics_official

#14) It was unnecessary for Peter to have to see that, and for the other chicks to experience that…

Source: Justcomics_official

#15) It’s Peter’s turn now.


Source: Justcomics_official

#16) Take accountability for your support of products that hurt animals.


Source: Justcomics_official

#17) If alien used the same logic humans do..


Source: Justcomics_official

#18) Polluted oceans and captivity.


Source: Justcomics_official

#19) I wish it was a dream.

Source: Justcomics_official

#20) Friends or food?


Source: Justcomics_official

All of the illustrations on the Just Comics Instagram account serve as food for thought for viewers and encourage them to be more mindful of the unnecessary suffering of animals and the planet for our own temporary luxuries. Let us know down below in the comments if you liked this selection and stay tuned for more!


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