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20 Times This Artist Expressed Her Inner Conflicts Through Amazing Comics

Juliette is a French illustrator who creates art to reflect her emotions and everyday struggles. The artist created a comic book series called “Art By Juliette” and has gained 99.7K followers on Instagram by continuously producing good quality content. Making good quality content is not a piece of cake you run out of ideas but this artist has proved to us that she is really talented.

So today here we have compiled her hilarious illustrations just for you. What are you guys waiting for? Keep scrolling down below and watch it until the end because these illustrations are too accurate. All of you must have gone through what she is describing in her art. We are sure that you are going to love it.

1. We all can relate to this


2. We all can take a second to admit this?


3. I will find you and I will kill you, I mean seriously what’s the purpose of this fake pocket?

4. 10 minute of work and 10 hours of break


5. Please go to your room and lock yourself


6. And that nap is the most powerful nap one can have


7. We all gotta agree that once in our lifetime we have tried to find our phone while it was in our hand

8. Humans just can’t stop complaining it’s just our nature


9. That is why less is more

Aren’t these illustrations totally accurate? We know it is. Do you all remember that we were so eager to grow up and now finally we have grown up and we just miss our childhood right? Back at that time, you had no tensions, no stress or any other worry all we wanted to do was have fun watching movies and cartoons. Folks we were literally chilling and now we know that growing up was never easy. In adulthood, things are different as this artist showed us through her art.  Keep on scrolling down below we have collected a couple of more of these just for you.

10. Come on you are only three years old


11. Eat sleep and repeat

12. Be single guys it’s a blessing in disguise


13. Things were perfect in childhood weren’t they? Adulthood sucks.

14. Caption this


15. Okay, go on crush me.

16. What if this is true?


17. Girls can relate to this

18. Please don’t talk to me please!


19. This is too accurate, and gotta say this artist is highly talented.

20. Why do they do this? I mean why?


Aren’t these illustrations simply amazing? She just made it too accurate it’s like we have all been through the situations above. Creating art like this is not easy, it takes loads of time and dedication to create art like this. We hope that you enjoyed the illustrations above. Let us know what you think about this post in the comment section below and don’t forget to follow her on Instagram. Plus don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more fun content.


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